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MIT Study: No Evidence of ‘Election Fraud’ in Bolivia That Resulted in Coup

Antiwar.com | “The OAS greatly misled the media and the public about what happened in Bolivia’s elections, and helped to foster a great deal of mistrust in the electoral process and the results.”

EXCLUSIVE: Indigenous Bolivia Ready to Go to War Against Fascism

Andre Vltchek | The country is at a standstill, preparing for the inevitable confrontation which may lie ahead.

INTERVIEW: Andre Vltchek on Uprisings in Chile, Colombia and Bolivia

21WIRE | Analyzing the new emerging US-led neocolonial strategy to divide and conquer the continent of South America.

Facts Now Reveal How OAS Lied About Bolivian ‘Election Irregularities’

Mark Weisbot | Confirmed: Washington’s colonial arm lied to the public about elections and worked to cover-up the ensuing coup.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Bolivia in Transition’ (2009)

SUNDAY SCREENING | Delving into the larger political transformation from a colonial and US-European-dominated client state, into an Indigenous-centric state.

INTERVIEW: President Evo Morales on the Real Situation in Bolivia

TeleSUR English | Morales explains the reality of the political situation and what needs to happen going forward to achieve a resolution.

Ousted Bolivian President Morales Arrives in Mexico, Vows to Keep Fighting

21WIRE | Bolivian President forced to flee to Mexico for asylum after threats of violence to him, his family and members of his administration.

US Plotting New Coup d’etat to Oust Bolivian President Evo Morales

Stephen Lendman | Various US plots using varying tactics, are now playing out against sovereign independent governments targeted for regime change.

Fear and Loathing in Bolivia: Western-backed Destabilization Operations Underway

Edu Montesanti | The unspoken truth is that there is an invisible ‘foreign hand” working in Bolivia – to weakened democracy.

Bolivia’s Evo Morales Declares ‘Total Independence’ from World Bank & IMF

21WIRE + TeleSUR | Morales is not shy about articulating the nature of the geopolitical threat.

US Denies WikiLeaks Reveal of Plot To Topple Bolivian President Evo Morales

TeleSUR | Bolivia says it is launching a thorough investigation into revelations made public by a WikiLeaks report.

Evo Morales: ‘You can’t combat terrorism with military spending or military force’

OpEd News | Taking further note of his imperialist neighbor to the north, Morales muses, “how does one fight terrorism?”

BREAKING: Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro was ‘denied travel’ over US airspace

21Wire + RT | Nicolas Maduro was denied travel over Puerto Rico’s airspace.

Both Venezuela and Nicaragua: ‘Our doors are open for Ed Snowden’

21WIRE + WP | President Maduro will shelter Snowden under the banner of “international humanitarian rights”.

TEAM AMERICA: Suspicion of smuggled Snowden grounds Bolivian presidential jet in Austria

21WIRE + RT | If there’s a global government in the works, then it will need barriers like borders and national laws to be broken down.

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