SUNDAY SCREENING | The road to global totalitarianism has been laid before our feet.
Internet Search Trend For ‘Died Suddenly’ Hits Record High
Zero Hedge | Global search term trends reveal a sudden interest ‘sudden deaths.’
Big Pharma Anschluss: Austria Imposes ‘Lockdown for the Unvaccinated’ – Germany and Czech Could Follow
21WIRE | As the saying goes: history doesn’t strictly repeat itself, but it often rhymes.
US Mainstream Media is Caught in ‘Woke Stranglehold’
21WIRE | It’s become impossible to ignore, even for loyal members of the political left.
The Pandemic’s Big Lie: Died ‘With’ vs Died ‘From’ COVID
Dr Joseph Mercola | Why does the U.S. lead the world in number of deaths from an infection? Answer: statistical and administrative fraud.
The CIA’s Crack-Cocaine Enterprise and the Destruction of Urban America
21WIRE | History shows why the US Establishment went to such great lengths to cover-up this state-sponsored criminal enterprise.
SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Enron – The Biggest Fraud in History’ (2019)
SUNDAY SCREENING | It’s the ultimate corporate criminal operation, and its legacy continues to this day.
Episode #395 – ‘Flu World Order Deux’ with guests Nick Hudson and Clive de Carle
SUNDAY WIRE | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…
US Inflation: ‘None of This is By Accident’
21WIRE | You are now witnessing a global coup d’etat, ushered in via an engineered energy crisis.
US Federal Court Strikes Down Biden’s Vaccine Mandate
21WIRE | Latest ruling is a crushing defeat for Biden and his backers from the pharmaceutical lobby.
Navajo Nation Eyes Bitcoin Mining Future as Path to Self-Sovereignty
21WIRE | Is The Navajo Nation becoming prime bitcoin mining country?
Why No One Can Force You to Get the Experimental COVID Injection
Dr Joseph Mercola | You cannot have a vaccine that is both for emergency use and a ‘licensed’ product at the same time. That’s against the law, but the government has done it anyway.