Jay Dyer | We must see the real players behind “women’s liberation.”
Articles and videos by Jay Dyer
Manhattan Project to A.I. – The Coming Synthetic Rewrite of Nature
Jay Dyer | The Manhattan Project incorporated a vast program concerned with radiation, human exposure and ‘the grand telos’ – engineering resistant, synthetic humanoids.
Hollywood and The CIA: A Dark Marriage Revealed
Jay Dyer | It’s becoming more and more apparent that Hollywood really is the flip side of the CIA.
Butcher, Soldier, King: The Truth About ISIS, Chris Kyle and The Saudi King
Jay Dyer | What a quandary the average American patriot must be in here.
Episode #68 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Terror’s Theatre Bizarre’ with guests Kurt Haskell and Jay Dyer
SUNDAY WIRE | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…
VOILA: Paris Events Meet the False Flag Checklist
Jay Dyer | Have the recent terror events in Paris met these criteria? Yes, they have.
INFORMANT? Paris Terror Suspect Met With French President Sarkozy in 2009
Jay Dyer | Another interesting coincidence which further strengthens the false flag case.
PARIS MAYHEM: French Connection – Gladio Elements in the Charlie Hebdo Incident
Jay Dyer | All the same villains and cast of characters that come to play in the vaudeville variety show that is the global war on terror.
EXPOSED: Global Geoengineering PsyOps Are Documented
Jay Dyer | The invention of the climate threat is a scam, as modern technological advancements are based around militarization and global population management.
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (2001) – Transhumanist Fairy Tale
Jay Dyer | The deus ex machina of an emergent technological deity supplanting humanity.
JAY’S ANALYSIS: Host Jay Dyer with guest Shawn Helton on Mass Media’s ‘Psychic Assault’
Jay Dyer | Mass media psyops and aesthetic terror function to shock the mass psyche.
TERMINATOR: Revelation of the Coming A.I. Takeover
Jay Dyer | It will be humans programming A.I. to delete threats in the future.
INTERSTELLAR: Secret Revelations of Transhumanism and ‘The Singularity’
Jay Dyer | Nolan is back, and his new film, Interstellar, is like ‘Inception’ meets ‘2001: Space Odyssey’ – attempting to go where no film has gone before.
SNOWPIERCER: Deep Themes of Geoengineering, Controlled Oppostion and Transhumanism
Jay Dyer | One of the most unique and all-encompassing plots to hit Hollywood’s big screen in a while.
Cryptography of the Cryptocracy: Of Gods and Computers
Jay Dyer | Espionage and statecraft have always gone hand in hand, and the desire of rulers to send encrypted messages is an ancient art.
Power and Deception: Machiavelli on Statecraft and Conspiracies
Jay Dyer | Conspiracy need only be feared when the ruler is hated as a result of his tyranny or sadistic cruelty.
Controlling the American Mind: The Viral Liturgical Psychodrama
Jay Dyer | More Fruit Bat terrorists, and other boogymen for a 21st century audience.
Disasters, Pandemics and the ‘Art of the Con’
Jay Dyer | The con is one of the oldest, time-honored practices of fallen humanity
TRON (1982) – The Ultimate in Predictive Programming
Jay’s Analysis | Having reached a point of godlike abilities, the power and exponential growth of technology is both wondrous and ominous.
Staged ISIS Videos are the Plot of Iron Man 3 (2013)
Jay’s Analysis | Hollywood and staged intelligence operations are now the same.