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‘Anti-Russia’ Escalation? Plans for New US Marine Base in Norway

21st Century Wire says…

It seems that US anti-Russian rhetoric has translated into action as new plans for NATO to continue its march eastward have emerged.

According to Norwegian News sources, the US Marine Corps will establish a new base in northern Norway as early as January.

Their reason: “To improve their ability respond rapidly to potential Russian aggression.”

Here is a video of US Marines live-fire training in Norway last winter:

“If approved by the Norwegian government, a Marine Corps presence in Norway will increase NATO’s ability to rapidly aggregate and employ forces in northern Europe.”

Why would NATO need to deploy rapid reaction forces into northern Europe? Is Washington planning for war?

More from RT…


As soon as early January, Norway may permit the US Marine Corps to deploy troops on its soil, furthering NATO’s goal of placing more military assets on Russia’s border, according to local media.

A rotating force of 300 US troops would be deployed in Vaernes, an air station outside the central Norwegian city of Trondheim about 100 kilometers from Russia, as part of what NATO claims to be an effort to deter “Russian aggression,” Norway’s Adresseavisen newspaper reported.

READ MORE: Norway mulls US troop deployment on its soil – Defense Ministry

The plan is yet to be approved by the Norwegian Parliament, where several parties oppose it for various reasons. Some politicians say inviting the US marines would violate the spirit of Norway’s 1949 commitment not to host foreign troops, while others say the government should not outsource its national security to the United States. Defense Minister Ine Eriksen Soreide is to address the MP’s concerns before they vote.

Meanwhile, US officials say maintaining 300 Marines in Norway would be beneficial.

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