Published on Sep 25, 2012 Patrick Clawson of the influential neo-con Washington Institute for Near East Studies OPENLY suggests that the US should provoke Iran into taking the first shot.Israel Lobbyist suggests False Flag attack to start war with Iran. Just like 911 in New York causing the deaths of American civilians and soldiers, a million […]
Breaking!! Israel Lobbyist – We Need a False Flag to Start War with Iran!
‘Iran war speeds up Israel obliteration’
Published on Sep 22, 2012 by PressTVGlobalNews A senior Iranian commander has warned that the Israeli regime will speed up its annihilation if it launches an attack on the Islamic Republic. “In case of an attack, the enemy will face a situation that it has never expected,” said Deputy Commander of the Iranian Army Brigadier General Abdolrahim […]
Patrick Henningsen on Al Jazeera’s program ‘Empire’ – Iran War Games
21st Century Wire’s Patrick Henningsen appearing on Al Jazeera’s program ‘Empire’, breaking down the various political and military scenarios surrounding the much hyped plan to strike Iranian targets by Israel and the US, but also highlighting the dangers of such an attack triggering off a Third World War. …
ALL AMERICA MUST SEE THIS! Breaking Reality ~ 2013
What price Freedom? WE must take up Arms in Defense of the Innocent. This Evil Cabal, which includes DC, intends to destroy you, me and everything beautiful and sacred thing left on this planet! If you think that the 2012 election is the answer then, you are still completely asleep. If you think that your […]
Andrew McKillop | Both Chernobyl and Fukushima provided all we need to know about the weapons potential of so-called civil nuclear power.
The “Rape in Libya” Story – Our Military’s Latest Fairytale
By Peter Dale Scott June 17, 2011 It is a troubled time for NATO’s campaign against Libya. President Obama has seen a near-revolt in Congress against the costly war, while Defense Secretary Gates in Brussels has warned his European allies that their tepid response “is putting the Libya mission and the alliance’s very future at […]
US Naval, Troop Movements to N. Africa, Middle East as Syrian Destabilization Escalates
Webster Tarpley | The US are gearing up for a major confrontation with Syria.
After Libya: NATO Can and Will Target Any Head of State
RT | Libya should be a wake-up call to all nation states: NATO can target you too.
RT INTERVIEW WITH PATRICK HENNINGSEN: “Libya has become a nation building circus”
Patrick Henningsen | “This operation is about making Libya fold into the globalist umbrella.”
Patrick Henningsen | Both domestically, and in a foreign intervention sense, the West is effectively rewriting their law books as they go along.
Are foreign interests steering this uprising? By Andrew McKillop 21st Century Wire March 2011 Weeks are unfolding with almost nothing from the Conspiracy Corner that gives any solace to average persons wanting to know why the Arab world is seemingly falling apart. Ditto from the mainstream media. And it’s not only the pundits who don’t […]
You and Whose Army? When Sovereign Citizens Met The Gaddafi Wall
Q: Do dictators have any rights when ‘the international community’ come calling? – By Cochise Johnson 21st Century Wire Feb 26, 2011 Freeman on the land? It’s easy to be critical of people who want to be free and wear their heart on a sleeve of sincerity. The junior psychologist in everyone who comes across […]