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EXCLUSIVE: Report on the “Moderate Rebel” Chemical Attacks Yesterday in Aleppo

Vanessa Beeley | Chemical attacks in Aleppo, Syria, that are unreported by western and gulf media. “Moderate rebels” kill with impunity.

Hillary Clinton: “Victory Fund” Gets Massive Cash Injection from Hedge Fund Management (Soros)

Pam & Russ Martens | Hillary Clinton opens the sluice gates to Hedge Fund money for her “Hillary Victory Fund”.

Defender of Syrian Sovereignty: Father Frans van der Lugt was Murdered on 7th April 2014

John Rosenthal | Syria: In memory of Father Frans van der Lugt, a man of courage and vision, murdered by US and NATO terrorists.

EXPOSED: How US-Backed War on Syria Helped ISIS to Expand Their Operations

21WIRE + Daniel Lazare | Obama’s “regime change” war responsible for ISIS rise and terrorist blow-back in Europe.

VIDEO: Harad, Yemen, a Ghost Town, Battered by Saudi Coalition Air-Strikes

21WIRE + News of Yemen | Yemen: The devastation caused by the Saudi Coalition war of aggression is evident in Harad, now reduced to a ghost town by multiple air-strikes.

YEMEN: A Genocidal War Against Children and Civilians Sanctioned by the UN, US, UK & NATO

Vanessa Beeley | Yemen: A Genocidal war being waged on multiple fronts targets children and civilians. The Saudi Coalition is aided and abetted by the US, UN, UK and NATO.

Saudi War of Aggression on Yemen: US Clocks up $33 Billion Arms Sales in Eleven Months

21WIRE + Global Research | Yemen: As US arms sales soar to a staggering $ 33bn in 11 months, Yemen’s death toll climbs to over 8000, one third are children.

365 Days of Saudi Coalition Aggression but Yemen is Steadfastly Resisting.

Vanessa Beeley | Yemen: 365 days of Saudi aggression and still resisting. Incredible images of mass protests in capital Sanaa, Saudi jets hovering overhead.

One Year of Bloodshed in Yemen: US and UK are Accomplices in Saudi Coalition War Crimes

Vanessa Beeley | One Year of War on Yemen. Saudi Coalition war crimes go unpunished by their US, UN and UK accomplices.

HOLLYWOOD WITCHCRAFT: The Dark Side Revealed in The Witch (2016)

Jay Dyer | The esoteric symbols and occult aspects of 5 films: The recent hit The Witch, horror classic Suspiria, Henson’s The Witches, The Devil Rides Out and Disney’s Hocus Pocus.

EXPOSED: The “Caesar” Fraud That Undermined Syrian Peace Negotiations

Rick Sterling | The fraudulent Caesar report: another tool in the propaganda war against the Syrian Government and people.

Syria in the Crosshairs: “The Syrian People are Against any Plans to Partition Syria!”

Vanessa Beeley | Syria in the partitioning crosshairs and determined to tear up the NATO US Israeli sectarian road map.

Brain Drain USA: Trend Towards China, India Attracting US Sci-Tech Talent

Patrick Henningsen | What happens when Asia attracts America’s best, brightest, and most daring young tech talent?

St. Helens lifts ban on teachers carrying guns in schools

KGW.COM | “The district has now given permission to have guns on campus.”

Ex-Florida Marine and Wife Found Guilty of Horrific Crime

Daily News | Accused of abusing his own daughter and his girlfriend’s daughter, man will be sentenced 10 years to life in prison.

Brazil president cancels American visit over NSA spying

Associated Press | Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff announced Tuesday that she was putting off a state visit to the U.S. next month to protest an American spy program.

Manning not guilty of ‘aiding the enemy’ will face other charges

21WIRE + RT | Bradley Manning is found not guilty of aiding the enemy.

Saudi princess charged with human trafficking posts $5 million bail next day

AP | Earlier in the day she had appeared in court wearing a dark blue jail jumpsuit to answer to one felony charge of human trafficking.

Transatlantic trade deal secretly pushed amidst the NSA scandal

21st Century Wire | U.S. and U.K. look to ‘turn the screw’ on global trade.

Boeing’s Lemons: $214 million US defense missile misses test target over Pacific

21WIRE+RT | The most expensive and unnecessary fleet of flying lemons in US history.

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