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SYRIA: US and Israel Backed Kurdish Bid for ‘Autonomy’ is Doomed to Failure

Jon Wight | Note to the Kurds – ‘Whatever imperialism gives with one hand, it can and does obliterate with the other.’

SYRIA: Trump and Netanyahu Lead us to Brink of Another Oil War in Golan Heights

William Engdahl | The charade of the “war on terror” is, in fact, the fomenting of another war for oil

SYRIA: Washington’s Kurdish Pawns in the Geopolitical Chess Tournament

Sarah Abed | The misuse of the Kurdish people to ensure US and Israeli hegemony in the Middle East

SYRIA: Washington’s ‘Greater’ Middle East Project – Hand in Hand with Israel

Sarah Abed | The Washington Project to divide, destroy and conquer Syria

SYRIA: Approaching the Finishing Line, Geopolitical ‘Jockeying for Position’ Intensifies

Andrew Korybko | As Syria nears the finishing line of a six year NATO state terrorism campaign, the geopolitical maneuvering hots up

Syria in the Crosshairs: “The Syrian People are Against any Plans to Partition Syria!”

Vanessa Beeley | Syria in the partitioning crosshairs and determined to tear up the NATO US Israeli sectarian road map.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue