Shawn Helton
A major threat to global sovereignty is being pursued in near silence, as the NSA-Snowden story dominates the headlines…
The Transatlantic trade partnership between the EU and US is edging closer to completion, as a new regulatory regime is being developed to control trade deals throughout the world.
While the NSA scandal does have serious implications, most of what Snowden has proclaimed, was revealed to the public under the Bush presidency. There has been a marriage of both Bush and Obama’s anti-privacy polices, overriding party lines for unobstructed data collection.
While the Snowden saga has gripped the international community, dark trade deals have been pushed simultaneously behind the scenes. It seems the Snowden story merely a part of the adrenaline fueled news cycle, that is often used to divert public attention from other global designs.
A Deal from Hell
The big beneficiaries of this highly oppressive trade deal will be the UK and the US, as they look to ‘turn the screw’ on global trade.
To a large extent the Transatlantic trade deal will be in direct conflict with some of the countries involved in the Trans-pacific Partnership, such as Australia, Canada, Chile, Mexico and Japan. This is an important observation to understanding those who stand benefit from one the largest trade pacts in the world.
Here Economist and speaker Jerry Robinson describes the Transatlantic deal on his “Follow the Money Daily” program:
“While the idea of a Transatlantic Common Market can be seen as far back as 1948 in the global security integration of NATO, it first gained major momentum in April 2007 when President George W. Bush approved the Transatlantic Economic Council.”
Robinson continues stating: “This council is a permanent international body… (it) seeks to harmonize a large number of complex U.S. and EU regulations in preparation for a free trade zone by 2015.”
At the G8 summit in Lough Erne, Northern Ireland, The Trans Atlantic Partnership was officially unveiled by PM David Cameron:
“We’re talking about what could be the biggest bilateral trade deal in history, a deal that will have a greater impact than all the other trade deals on the table put together.”
Back in late May, 21WIRE discussed some of the possible implications regarding Transatlantic partnership:
“The media will focus on the obvious take down of an empire, as they try to uncover the truth about Benghazi, IRS, and the DOJ. However, on the global chess board of finance and war, more stark revelations have come to light involving the U.S. President. During the press conference with Prime Minister Cameron, President Obama, made vague sweeping statements about a Transatlantic Partnership with the E.U. A partnership that many fear will lead to a Transatlantic Union which will impose more globalized standards and regulations, potentially derailing individual free trade.”
The Public Face of Trade
The Sierra Club, a progressive arm pushing environmental regulation, issued a detailed report describing the Transatlantic Union in 2013 :
The Transatlantic Trade Investment Partnership or (TTIP) “seeks to expand US-EU trade flows by eliminating tariffs, reducing US-EU differences in product standards and regulations and increasing investment across the Atlantic.With the European Union and the United States representing 47 percent of global GDP and 33 percent of world trade flows, the potential benefits and risks of this trade agreement are significant.”
Why does the Sierra Club have such a vested interest in an economic trade deal?
The Sierra Club’s agenda is supported by the Rockefeller family, leading one to question how the family that owns Standard Oil, would openly support an organization apparently known for its tough stance on environment issues.
Is the Sierra Club another front pedaling for the global cabal’s interests?
Below is a recent news segment on Russia Today describing the implications of the TTIP…
In addition to being a trade deal, the TTIP, places heavy regulations on climate and food industries, proving this agreement has more to it than meets the eye. The language that was written for the TTIP could open doors for companies like Monsanto, allowing them to push their genetically engineered food production overseas as well as in the United States.
Senator Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) has been a very outspoken critic of the TTIP and the Trans-Pacific Partnership or TPP, had this to say about the Transatlantic deal:
“US seed companies that for a decade have been struggling to break the deadlock over the authorization for the cultivation of their [GM] seeds now will be presented with the ultimate opportunity to change the entire process to suit their needs.”
The TTIP , is also imposing immovable policies on climate and environmental issues. Here is an excerpt from the Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue report explaining how a ‘carbon tax’ scheme could be introduced with this new trade deal:
“The agreement must facilitate a transition to more sustainable consumption and production patterns, and not water down or impose barriers to measures for promoting them. To advance sustainability and avert catastrophic climate change, the agreement must ensure that trading partners can adopt tax policies, mandatory performance standards, carbon and pollution regulations, schemes for self-generation or “feed-in” electricity tariffs and renewable energy standards without being subject to challenge under the agreement.”
The picture is becoming clearer as we see the consolidation of sovereignty under both the Transatlantic and Trans-pacific trade deals. There is an excessive push by global industries to seduce the public into thinking this is in our best interest, quietly forcing us to comply with a new regulatory regime.
These deals always happen in secret, in dark halls – with a devil’s hand shake…
READ MORE ON THE TPP AT: 21st Century Wire TPP File