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SYRIA: ‘The White Helmets are Kony 2012 on Steroids’

21WIRE + Gorilla Radio | Have an unwitting western public been duped again by Soros’s new multimillion dollar PR campaign?

Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: ‘Do-Good’ Website AVAAZ Calls for No-Fly Zone in Syria

21WIRE + Intervention Watch | All we can say to anyone who has signed this Avaaz petition to escalate the war in Syria is: how naive and uninformed you truly are.

Michelle Obama’s Kony-style ‘Boko Haram’ PR Stunt Inspires Viral Anti-drone Campaign

21WIRE + RT | Would the White House ever stage – and take credit, for a dramatic rescue?

KONY 2014: Obama Orders New Troop Surge to ‘Find Ugandan Warlord’

Patrick Henningsen | Remember KONY 2012? Well, it’s back. Obama’s White House is in foreign policy meltdown, so it’s time to dust off that old African chestnut.

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