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Articles by Marwa Osman

Kevork Almassian: Hezbollah Shocks Israel With Devastating Power | Syriana Analysis with Marwa Osman

Syriana Analysis | Discussing Israel’s attack on Lebanon, the resulting casualties and Hezbollah’s response.

INTERVIEW: Marwa Osman – ‘Gaza & Lebanon Escalation’

TNT Radio | Hezbollah have raised the stakes after destroying an entire Israeli military base in Lebanon, as Yemen also joins the fray. 

Yemen Fights Back: Marwa Osman Speaks with Patrick Henningsen

MideaStream | An update on the situations in Yemen and Bahrain.

INTERVIEW: Marwa Osman on Protests in Lebanon and Challenges Ahead

21WIRE | What are the immediate risks for Lebanon going forward?

Popular Mobility vs Chaos: Lebanon’s Revolution on Hold

Marwa Osman | Lebanon finds itself at a real crossroads today, as chaos threatens to upend genuine popular mobility.

INTERVIEW: Marwa Osman discusses the current US vs Iran standoff

21WIRE | We ask the question: what would happen if the US strikes Iran militarily?

Gulf Crisis: On Fast Track to War

Marwa Osman | The confluence of recent events suggests that a US-Saudi-Tel Aviv effort is underway to isolate Iran, and that means the danger for a wider war in the region has never been more pronounced.

Is Saudi Arabia Bombing Its Own Citizens?

Marwa Osman | It is perfectly fine for humans to get killed by rogue regimes and homes to be raided using excessive force, as long as at the end of the day business is going well.

‘Safe Zone’ In Syria: A Ploy to Ignite a New Battle Front

Marwa Osman | Journalist, political commentator, writer, and former TV political show host Marwa Osman writes about what is behind a present ploy in Syria.

More Fake News: Western Media Blames Russia for Deadly US Airstrike on Mosque in Syria

Marwa Osman + RT | “80 percent of the news about wars in the Middle East is fabricated.”

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