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21WIRE's archive on Facebook, formerly a social networking site, now an increasingly corrupt corporation, fully dedicated to implementing a regime of political censorship globally, and data harvesting of its user base - a valuable tool of the US and global establishment. We hope this section will help educate readers as to why this digital monopoly is no longer fit for purpose. 

How to keep those old Facebook posts hidden (well, sort of).

The Switch | The Internet, being what it is, means that the temptation is overwhelming to search out your embarrassing posts.

REVEALED: Secrets, Methods Behind The #ISIS Social Media Wave

21WIRE + Iyad Barakat | Essential reading for anyone interested in what’s driving the dark digital wave of the ‘Islamic State’.

ISIS dot com: Social Media Barons Are Pushing the New Barbarity

Andrew McKillop | Where is this all heading? It’s regressive for sure, and taking society’s minds to darker place.

Against DOJ Wishes, Tech Firms Claim They’ll ‘Alert’ Users to Data Demands

21WIRE + WP | How come these tech giants will not simply refuse to hand over our data to begin with?

PRICELESS: Watch speaker give ‘TED talk’… on how TED talks are worthless.

21WIRE + TEDx | So few ever dare ask if TED really achieves anything, or is it merely a nice high tech talking shop?

The Social Grid: ‘Facebook saves the NSA and CIA money’

21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | “The manpower that Facebook saves is huge…”

The Davos Deception: The Ultimate Philistine Talking Shop is an Abject Failure

Patrick Henningsen | As far as economics go, Davos is a total failure, and now it wants to do the same in politics.

‘Fit Facebook Mom’ Account Deleted By Facebook Censors Over ‘Anti-Obese Hate Speech’

21WIRE + Greatist | Maria Kang has been accused by the communitarians and censorship gods of broadcasting ‘Hate speech’ over Facebook.

Kreditech, tech startups use Facebook and ‘data points’ to determine future loans

21WIRE + CNN | This is guilt by association, moving us further into a corporate consolidated culture, seeking to cut the individual out of the future pie.

Proposed Wiretapping Legislation Bureau’s Top Priority

Washington Post | Proposal would fine tech companies for noncompliance with wiretap orders.

Celebrities Need More Cash: Which celebrities would you pay to contact on Facebook?

21st Century Wire | How stupid are you if you believe celebrities will be chained to their computers responding to your FB pings?

Chris Dorner Contacts BIN: Claims He’s Being Framed by LAPD

Chris Kitze | Let’s try to get ALL the facts to our readers and let them make up their own minds.

Facebook Outage takes down Gawker, Mashable, CNN and Post with it…

Wash Post | Facebook has been aggressive about getting its social DNA into major web sites, and quick to censor those same sites.

In Reaction To Swedish Riots and Privacy Concerns, Instagram Makes Advertising U-turn

21WIRE | Pressure is being applied to the digital moguls to claw back previous plans to exploit children.

Facebook To Fight Germany’s Demand of Anonymity for Its Users

AP | Proof that Facebook’s moral spine is almost nonexistent.

Facebook and Instagram’s New Ad Policy Change ‘Could Compromise Privacy for Teens’

21WIRE + WP | Facebook “sees teens as a digital goldmine.”

Engineered Chaos: Swedish Teens Riot Over Paedophile Instagram Account

CFR | This isn’t the first time this year that a firestorm of criticism has erupted over non-consensual photos of teens posted on the internet.

Disgracebook Diaries: Facebook Privacy Chain Letter Resurfaces

Hayley Tsukayama Washington Post Hoaxes are hard things to put down — particularly when they seem to offer something that people want. to hear. Such is the case with the latest Facebook hoax, actually a rehash of one that cropped up in June, that claims users can change their copyright rights by simply posting a status […]

Unmasking Violentacrez – Internet Pond Life and ‘The Biggest Troll on the Web’

Gawker | Inside the life of a super-troll.

Facebook in new privacy row over facial recognition feature

Social network turns on new feature to automatically identify people in photos, raising questions about privacy implications of the service – By Charles Arthur Guardian June 8, 2011 Facebook has come under fire for quietly expanding the availability of technology to automatically identify people in photos, renewing concerns about its privacy practices. The feature, which the giant […]

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