Chris Kitze
Before Its News
He’s out and about, friending people on Facebook, including yours truly! People in the USA are INNOCENT until proven guilty.
Let’s not forget that. He’s on the run, accused of killing three people, but Chris Dorner claims he hasn’t killed anyone — he says he’s being framed by LAPD. Let’s try to get ALL the facts to our readers and let them make up their own minds.
Chris, if you are reading this, you can email things directly to the address I sent you on FB, or just keep posting. We have about 4 million people visit our site every month who want to hear the REAL STORY, from the news-makers themselves.
Here’s the latest:
We aim to get all the news out at Before It’s News and our unique news outlet will let Chris Dorner speak directly to YOU.
YOU decide for yourselves if this former cop is guilty of anything or not, or if these Facebook posts are from Chris Dorner or some one at the masquerade ball wearing the Chris Dorner mask. The consensus among BIN folks is this is probably the real Chris Dorner, it’s feeling that way.
Here are his two most recent posts:
Text here for search engines:
Text here for search engines:
Hmmm….this isn’t going to win any friends to the peaceful crowd here. I know everyone is angry, but let’s try to get a clear and clean mind and step all the way through this.
We are hoping for a peaceful resolution to this crisis. Chris claims he never killed anyone, but with the vicious manhunt happening at the moment, if the police aren’t a bit more careful, we could have more innocent people being shot at and worse.
Chris will either need to disappear some way or turn himself in, surrounded by his attorneys and several reporters for protection. What he decides to do is his call, but Before It’s News NEVER condones violence by anyone.
In the end, the truth will prevail!
If you have some questions for Chris, post them in the comments below and I will forward them on to Chris.