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Et Voilà – President Emmanuel Macron

21WIRE + AFP | Emmanuel Macron has become France’s youngest President at 39 and under a ‘state of emergency’.

Macron And Le Pen: Two Faces Of The Same Con

The Duran + Gilbert Mercier | Gilbert Mercier discusses the illusion of choice, similar to the United States, in the upcoming final stage of the French election.

Emmanuel Macron Could Be A Lame Duck President From The Outset

21WIRE + The Spectator | Is Emmanuel Macron the man to carry France forward, or will it be business as usual for the ex-Rothschild employee.

FRANCE – First Round Of Presidential Elections Are Underway

21WIRE + The Guardian | The first round of voting in the French Presidential Elections has commenced with what looks likely to be a very close run for candidates.

PARIS: Police Officer Killed And Two Injured In Champs-Élysées Attack

21WIRE + RT | Another attacker, known to French security services, has killed one police officer and seriously injured two in Paris.

As Obama Longs For ‘Paris Nights’, Russia Moves Missile Cruiser off Syrian Coast, Warns Turkey ‘There Are Consequences’

Patrick Henningsen | It’s just another in a long, never-ending series of geopolitical low-points in modern US diplomatic history.

Terror Attacks Hit Paris: 60 Dead, 100 Taken Hostage, Hollande Closes All Borders

21WIRE | Absolute chaos has struck Paris, and it is going to have very bad consequences.

French Move to Try and Make ‘Conspiracy Theories’ Illegal – By Gov’t Decree

21WIRE + Voltaire Net | Now France wants to take its ‘thought policing’ to a whole new authoritarian level.

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