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The Kenya Mall Massacre was one of the key geopolitical events in 2013, and featured global power players like the US and Israel, along with a stream of mainstream propaganda designed to deflect from what appears to be a false flag event, but also reignite a 'war on terror' narrative for Africa and solidify US AFRICOM's foothold during the height of the Obama Administration. All this and more...

New Revelations in Kenya Mall Massacre: There were only 4 shooters – who escaped alive

21WIRE + NBC | Even the mainstream media can’t avoid the facts surrounding the Kenya Mall staged media event.

The Horn of Africa: Neo Colonialism, Oil Wars and Terror Games

Shawn Helton | The spoils of Africa are being divided up again.

Kenyan Mall Attack Deception Continues As New Terror Suspect is Revealed

Shawn Helton | This appears to be a stylized psyop used to disguise the real perpetrators behind the Westgate mall attack.

Episode #4 – SUNDAY WIRE RADIO SHOW: ‘Kenya Mall Massacre’ with guest Shawn Helton

SUNDAY WIRE | Placing a magnifying glass over the Kenya Mall massacre, and then look at comet currently passing Earth.

Black Ops: Kenyan Siege ‘Dirty Cover-up’ Involving Agents & Kingpins

21st Century Wire | We have slowly started to peel away at the ‘dirty layers’ of a cover up.

False Flag: Was the Kenyan Terror Siege an ‘Inside Job’?

21WIRE + Jambonewspot | The Kenyan attack has many of the tell-tale signs of a classic false flag operation.

Kenyan Terror Attack Designed to Open Up New ‘War on Terror’ Front in East Africa

21WIRE + Land Destroyer | Forget about KONY 2012, get ready for the next War on Terror big-style beachhead in Africa.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue