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Top Mainstream Media’s Misses of 2020

21WIRE | The American mainstream media’s worst coverage of 2020.

Corporate Media’s Election Interference on Behalf of Biden Exposed

21WIRE | A look back at the four-year battle waged by Democrats and MSM to drive Trump from office.

CNN’s Chris Cuomo Rejects Biden Call for ‘Unity’

21WIRE | The corporate mainstream media are clearly scorned.

US DOJ Seizes 27 Websites Claiming They Are ‘Controlled by Iran’

Antiwar.com | It’s shaky assessments like this one that sets a dangerous precedent for independent media outlets.

VIDEO: Meet The Fact Checkers

JP Sears | Behind the scenes with the Fact Checkers who determine what’s true, and what’s false.

Court Rebuffs Gretchen Whitmer’s Plan to Keep State on Lockdown Until After Election

21WIRE | The Democrats risky strategy may backfire, giving Trump a much-needed bounce in key battleground states.

Flint Resident Slams Biden Campaign Ahead of ‘Big Tuesday’ Primary

21WIRE | The overarching message from the Democrats and their media partners: if you’re speaking out against the establishment, you can just shut up.

Railroaded Again: ‘Technical Glitch’ in Democratic Party Voting App Deprives Sanders of Iowa Victory

21WIRE | A dodgy party voting app and Hillary operative – what could possibly go wrong?

Maxine Waters on RussiaGate: ‘I Believe, Even Though I Don’t Have the Facts’

21WIRE | Until the Fourth Estate wakes from its slumber and challenges the long-running hoax that is RussiaGate, then polarization will only intensify, and ‘democracy’ will continue to degrade.

Willing Accomplices: Western Media Support for CIA Coup in Bolivia

Stephen Lendman | CIA tradition endures, using its paid media gatekeepers to manage and propagate the official narrative – and suppress truth wherever they may appear.

Impeachment Hearings Open, Nunes Tears Into Democrats ‘Low Rent Sequel to RussiaGate’

21WIRE | Nunes derides a “televised theatrical performance, staged by the Democrats.”

2020 Debate: Tulsi Gabbard Takes Down Kamala Harris – Twitter Censors Gabbard

21WIRE | It’s now clear that both MSM and Silicon Valley are actively suppressing certain candidates.

Orwellian Own-Goal: Finland’s ‘Fake News’ Training Children to Believe Only Mainstream Propaganda

21WIRE + South Front | The irony of Finland’s Orwellian own-goal here is lost on mainstream media commentators who seized on the story because it appeared to validate their confirmation bias.

Rafael Correa Rubbishes CNN Claim of Ecuador Embassy as ‘Russian Hacking Hub’

21WIRE + RT International | CNN’s claim that the Ecuador embassy was a ‘command center’ for Russian hackers is sure to go down in the fake news hall of fame.

CNN’s Latest Epic Fake News Feature on Julian Assange

Stephen Lendman | Whistleblowing and other truth-telling about government wrongdoing are essential public services, warranting high praise – not prosecution and vilification.

THE VETO: Film exposing CNN, Al Jazeera, Channel 4 and the western media propaganda war against Syria

Vanessa Beeley | THE VETO: An archive of some of the most heinous propaganda stunts produced by NATO-aligned media.

PARKLAND REVISITED: Known Wolves, Astroturfing and the Politics of Mass Shootings

Shawn Helton | Another in a long line of spectacular mass shootings in America – where media and political forces eclipse the crime itself.

How the Russiagate Hoax Has Led to the ‘Sovietization of America’

Dr Stephen F Cohen | In the era of Russiagate, American mainstream media, think tanks, Silicon Valley and government agencies – are all practicing censorship by systematically erasing any challenge their orthodox narrative.

Episode #265 – ‘Globalist Coup d’Grâce?’ hosts Basil Valentine, Mike Robinson, guest Vanessa Beeley

SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

Russiagate Farce: FBI Brings CNN Camera Crew to Film 3am Arrest of Roger Stone

21WIRE | Many believe the arrest is a last desperate attempt by Mueller to salvage any credibility from an investigation which has taken 2.5 years and cost $30 million – but has produced no evidence.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue