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Trump Commutes Sentence of Roger Stone, Says Trial Was Based on a ‘Hoax’

21WIRE | The White House maintain Stone was a victim of the Russiagate hoax.

Ron Paul: Forget Russiagate, Look at FBI-gate Instead

21WIRE | Former US Congressman highlights the deeper scandal now evident from the Russiagate fiasco.

Dossier 2.0: FBI knowingly relied on fake ‘Black Cash Ledger’ in Manafort investigation

21WIRE + The Hill | Manafort was meant to be Mueller’s ‘big catch’, but the basis of the FBI’s investigation appears to be fraudulent.

Corbett: Russiagate in 3 minutes

James Corbett | This one seemed like a narrative that was too big to fail. Only it did.

#RussiaGate: ‘The Biggest Political Hoax in US History’

Patrick Henningsen | Amazingly, millions of Americans had actually convinced themselves that Moscow was the reason Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election.

UK COLUMN: Mueller’s Failure Explained, Brexit’s Constitutional Crisis

UK Column | Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen break down the top early week news stories.

Now That Russiagate is Dead, What’s Next for the #Resistance?

21WIRE | What will become of this lucrative cottage industry after the coming collapse of Mueller’s partisan folly?

How the Russiagate Hoax Has Led to the ‘Sovietization of America’

Dr Stephen F Cohen | In the era of Russiagate, American mainstream media, think tanks, Silicon Valley and government agencies – are all practicing censorship by systematically erasing any challenge their orthodox narrative.

Episode #266 – ‘Groundhog Politics’ guests Teodrose Fikre, Vanessa Beeley

SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

Russiagate Farce: FBI Brings CNN Camera Crew to Film 3am Arrest of Roger Stone

21WIRE | Many believe the arrest is a last desperate attempt by Mueller to salvage any credibility from an investigation which has taken 2.5 years and cost $30 million – but has produced no evidence.

LAVROV: ‘You Don’t Need Mueller to Know Who’s Interfering in Venezuelan Elections’

21WIRE | The Russian foreign minister trolls Washington by holding a mirror up to its latest regime change exploits in South America.

6 False Claims Made by Media About Assange & WikiLeaks in Relation to Mueller’s Russia Investigation

21WIRE | WikiLeaks hits back against the US media and the Mueller probe, exposing one of media’s biggest misinformation campaigns since this maelstrom began in 2016.

Trump-Russia Collusion: James Mattis Tells All – Without Any Evidence

Philip Giraldi | Beyond the usual anti-Russia hysteria in the media and Congress – there are major problems with Mattis’s claims.

Rage Against Fake Everything and The Liberal World Order Downfall – Boiler Room #179

Alternate Current Radio | Boiler Room returns for its weekly analysis of all things interwebz, news, events and oddities.

Another Phantom Indictment: Latest Mueller Farce Meant to Degrade Trump-Putin Summit – Russian Foreign Ministry

21WIRE | Defense attorneys say charges in US court amount to a “make-believe crime” and that Mueller and colleagues are now trying to ‘justify their own existence’.

EP #16: Patrick Henningsen LIVE – ‘Official Washington Madness’ with guest Robert Parry

ACR Radio | Washington’s Triple Entente of Trump-Russian intrigue, Wire Tapping Allegations, and WikiLeak’s latest CIA Hacking exposure…

EP #6: Patrick Henningsen LIVE with guest Robert Parry – ‘America’s Mainstream Media Meltdown’

Patrick Henningsen | THIS WEEK: A closer look inside how America’s media machine really works (or doesn’t work)…

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