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Flint Resident Slams Biden Campaign Ahead of ‘Big Tuesday’ Primary

The Flint River in Flint, Michigan USA
The Flint River in Flint, Michigan, USA. (Wikimedia Commons)

As the voters in six more states head to the polls today for the Democrats’ Presidential Primary, one thing is for sure: you rarely see any mainstream media coverage on the issues that affect local residents of these primary states – only grand media platitudes like ‘watch white women’ for Bernie Sanders in Michigan, or, Joe Biden’s campaign ‘resurrection’ foretells a win in Missouri.

One Flint resident, Melissa Mays, is seen here slamming Biden and one of his high-profile supporters, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, for not doing enough about the water crisis that has plagued her city since 2014:

According to the media outlet Status Coup, who filmed the interview, Mays “has been one of the leading Flint residents and activists fighting for justice for forgotten Flint. Her and her three sons have been made ill from Flint’s poisoned water.”

Sanders won the Michigan Democratic Primary in 2016, defeating Hillary Clinton in an apparent upset at the time. But he’s also getting hit with criticism for his vote against a 2016 resolution to fund Flint water infrastructure improvements.

There are 352 delegates for the taking among the six states (Michigan, Washington, Missouri, Mississippi, Idaho and North Dakota), with Michigan representing the largest stash of delegates at 125.

Other 2020 Election News

We have to ask the question once again: who really is Pete Buttigieg, and what was he actually running for? Mayor Pete’s latest move after dropping out of the race is to guest host corporate comedian Jimmy Kimmel’s late night talk show later this week.

The Sanders and Biden campaigns have recently clashed over the next primary debate format, as the Biden camp proposed a format that would allow their candidate to be seated during the event. It appears the new format will be implemented by the DNC and CNN. And speaking of the debates…

After winning two delegates on Super Tuesday, Tulsi Gabbard was immediately booted from participating in the next primary debate. New DNC ‘rule changes’ will keep Gabbard off the debate stage in Arizona on March 15th.

The overarching message from the Democrats and their media partners: if you’re speaking out against the establishment, you can just shut up.

READ MORE 2020 ELECTION NEWS: 21st Century Wire 2020 Election Files




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