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Search Results for: greece

AIR NATO: A Look Inside the West’s Secret Weapons Racket That’s Destroying Syria

Patrick Henningsen | Detailed report blows open NATO’s international weapons racket that’s destroying Syria.

AFGHANISTAN: Forgotten, But Not Gone

Miles Elliott | After 16 years, more troops are about to be deployed and the war ramped up for a fourth time. What could go right?

BILDERBERG: More Secret Meetings with Trump Advisors, US Senators

Mark Anderson | This year’s Bilderberg features more serving US officials, including many Trump Administration cabinet members, than any other meeting in history.

Will ‘Trumponomics’ Bankrupt America?

GlobalResearch + F. William Engdahl | After 100 days in office, what are the prospects that Trump’s economic program will bring positive changes to Americans.

Vanessa Redgrave Remembers Alan Kurdi But Does She Know The Bigger Picture

21WIRE + The Guardian | Vanessa Redgrave makes her directorial debut at Cannes with Alan Kurdi and the refugee crisis as central theme.

AFGHANISTAN: A Stunning but Terribly Scarred and Injured Land

Andre Vltchek | The NATO legacy: ‘Misery is everywhere, destroying the country’

TURKEY: The Falling from Grace of an Emperor with No Clothes

Niraj Srivastava | The geopolitcal muscle flexing continues in Syria’s boxing ring

FOUL PLAY? Four Dead Russian Diplomats in Three Months

Adam Garrie | ‘Vitaly Churkin often looked like a titan in a room full of school children.’

THE BIG SHUFFLE: 2017 Trends and Predictions from 21WIRE

NEW YEARS SPECIAL | Looking ahead to the coming year – the good, the bad and the ugly…

Italy Moves Closer to a BREXIT – 5 Star Movement Poised to Challenge for Leadership Role

21WIRE + Wall Street Journal | Brussels just trembled after this latest election result in Italy.

ON THE INSIDE: Ex-Goldman Sachs Partner Tapped for US Treasury – Joined by Rothschild Linked Commerce Secretary Pick

Shawn Helton | A former Goldman Sachs partner goes to Washington – what will it mean for a Trump presidency?

SHIFTING PARADIGM: You’ll Only Understand Trump and Brexit If You Understand the Failure of Globalization

21WIRE + Washington’s Blog | It’s hard to not to draw a comparison between the Brexit referendum and the stunning victory of Donald Trump.

Five Things To Look Out For With Trump’s Pentagon

The Hill | Although he had some great ideas on the campaign trail, still expect the war hawks and the Israeli Lobby to gradually nudge the new President, and reshape Trump’s foreign policy direction.

PARTNERS IN CRIME: Goldman Sachs, The Clintons & Wall Street

Shawn Helton | In one of the most significant financial rulings in the modern era, the Clinton presidency gave big banks like Goldman Sachs the skeleton key to the kingdom.


Shawn Helton | Natural Born Killers explores the destructive trauma-based propaganda that drives the American media complex.

Episode #143 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘A Cruel Summer’ with guests Prof Tim Anderson, Vanessa Beeley, Mike Robinson

SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

BREXIT: John Pilger Explains why the British said No to Europe

John Pilger | Eminent journalist John Pilger believes we are witnessing an act of “raw democracy”

BREXIT: Was the Left “Remain” a Betrayal of the Traditional Working Class?

Thomas Barker | Fascism is not at the core of the BREXIT campaign, a “Leave” vote symbolizes disatisfaction with the “oppressive status-quo” of central power.

The Inconvenient Truth: Assad’s Popularity Confounds NATO Propagandists

Barbara McKenzie | All NATO’s slings and arrows fall short and their propaganda is failing to reduce the popularity of Syria’s President Assad

Interview with Prof. Tim Anderson: NATO’s Dirty War on Syria

Tim Anderson | Professor Tim Anderson reinforces the truth of the Dirty War on Syria including the White Helmet shadow state building

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue