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INTERVIEW: Blake Lovewell – ‘Preparing for the Collapse’

TNT Radio | Have bank bail-ins become the new bail-outs, paving the road for a CBDC technocracy?

INTERVIEW – Mitch Feierstein: ‘Planet Ponzi, SVB & The Global Banking Casino’

TNT Radio | The SVB collapse and why the US government’s rescue plan was just the latest massive bailout for the bankers.

INTERVIEW – F. William Engdahl: ‘Gods of Money’ & Global Financial Collapse

SUNDAY WIRE | The Silicon Valley Bank collapse and what it now means for risk to the global economy.

The Financialization of the US Economy Should Terrify All Americans

Hossein Askari | Although it produces no consumable goods, the financial sector is taking up an increasing share of the US economy. Do the American people really benefit from this financial sector?

ON THE INSIDE: Ex-Goldman Sachs Partner Tapped for US Treasury – Joined by Rothschild Linked Commerce Secretary Pick

Shawn Helton | A former Goldman Sachs partner goes to Washington – what will it mean for a Trump presidency?

Mainstream Media: Low Interest Rates Could Cause ‘Civil Unrest’

21WIRE + The Telegraph | We’ve known for all too long that this could happen, but will interest rates be the pathogen, or the remedy?

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue