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Satire: Kim Jong Un Gains 100 Pounds & Gets Ridiculous Haircut

21st Century Wire says…

While the people of North Korea are widely reported to be suffering from constant food shortages, it doesn’t look like the leader of the country is under similar constraints…

These photos were taken only one year apart…

Some believe he may be trying to imitate Jersey Shore star DJ Pauly D:

Other potential sources of inspiration include Small Soldiers‘ antagonist Chip Hazard:

Or, perhaps, the Mr. Potato Head look meets the trendy hard-boiled Chia Pet:

Ridiculousness aside, some have hyped the North Korean regime as a nuclear threat to the U.S., and movie The Interview tried, but failed, to cause a stir. We have offered analysis giving an in-depth look at the nuclear threat posed by North Korea.

The country is certainly one of the only true outliers in the international system, which raises curiosity far and wide. What is your opinion on this unorthodox state and its bizarre leader?

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Kim Jong Un Debuts Sculptured New Haircut And Trimmed Eyebrows

Ed Mazza

North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, already known for his unique hairdo, has updated his look.

Kim’s new hairstyle remains cropped on the sides and heavy on top, but he appears to have grown his hair out and had it sculpted into a trapezoidal shape. And, for good measure, it seems as if he’s had his eyebrows trimmed…

Read the full story on The Huffington Post

READ MORE NORTH KOREA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire North Korean Files



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