21WIRE + Stephen Lendman | US coalition support for ISIS is an “open dirty secret” that continues to this day.
YEMEN: Latest U.K, U.S-Supported Massacre Committed by Saudi Coalition in Hodeida Port.
Mint Press | The genocide in Yemen led by the U.S, U.K-backed Saudi Coalition continues largely unreported in Western media.
Episode #243 – ‘The Summer Purge’ with guests Renan Santos, Basil Valentine and More
SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…
SYRIA: The Terrorists and their Backers, Including U.K, U.S Media are “Loathsome, Uncultured and Malignant”
Marcus Papadopoulos + Syria Times | “Syrian soil will remain Syrian, not American or British”
More ‘Novichok’ Fears Stoked by UK Government After British Couple Hospitalized
21WIRE + Reuters | ‘Novichok’ is back and the Russia blame game continues.
VIDEO: “The Sum of All Fears (for the Deep State)” by Patrick Henningsen
Patrick Henningsen | If you’re looking for a newspaper for the Deep State, The Times is your rag…
Will Ecuador ‘Exit’ Assange from its London Embassy?
Stephen Lendman | If Assange and WikiLeaks are silenced, it’ll be another blow to truth-telling on vital issues at a time it’s vitally needed.
WHITE HELMETS: The John McCain Connections and is the “Funding Freeze” for Real?
Vanessa Beeley | The White Helmets “funding freeze” may just be another publicity stunt by their PR agencies.
YEMEN: The State Sanctioned Mass Murder that Nobody Wants to Talk About
Vanessa Beeley | State sanctioned genocide in Yemen covered up by “humanitarian” platitudes.
Skripals Poisoned with Fentanyl, Initial Report Redacted
Dilyana Gaytandzhieva | Not Novichok, but Fentanyl… Wait, not Fentanyl, but “a substance”.
Western Media Descends into Fundamentalism and Moral Degeneracy
Andre Vltchek | From now on, there will be no impunity for those who have been torturing the world for centuries.
SKRIPAL AFFAIR: The Chilly Climate Change of a New Cold War
Tony Kevin | UK Government is basing its statements on crude conspiracy theorism.
SYRIA: US War Crime in Jabal Al Tharda, Deir Ezzor and the Implausible Denials
Tim Anderson | No independent tribunal would fail to convict US coalition commanders of this bloody massacre.
YEMEN: Ten Myths about Saudi War of Aggression Debunked
21WIRE + GA | Western Media Whitewashes Saudi War Crimes While “Condemning Violence on All Sides”.
BBC Deletes Tweet that Exposes Israel’s Westminster Privileges
21WIRE + MEM | The BBC has often been accused of pro-Israel bias.
Syria Rejects OPCW-UN False Charges on Khan Sheikhoun Incident
21WIRE + SANA | “Since when is chemical terrorism considered a fully technical issue and not a political one?”
YEMEN: The ‘New Vietnam’ Could Bring an End to the US ‘Forever War’ Policy
Connor Freeman | Exposing the realities of this conflict and ending the war in Yemen could trigger an anti-war domino effect.
UK to Maintain Reaper Drone Presence in Iraq: Perpetual War Policy in Middle East
Chris Cole | Time to bring UK Reaper Drones home from the Middle East.
An Honest Syrian Response to the Criminally Hypocritical Western Cries of “Torture”
21WIRE | Torture is a global phenomenon, to assume moral superiority in the west is criminal hypocrisy.
Syrian Victory Will Reshape the Middle East and Recalibrate Global Hegemony
Alastair Crooke | If in the past, politics was top-down, it will now be bottom-up.