Shawn Helton | More than meets the eye in the case of the Fort Lauderdale airport shooter.
ANOTHER AMERICAN KNOWN WOLF? Fort Lauderdale Shooter Known to FBI, Worked for Security, Amid Backdrop of Mass Drills
YEAR IN REVIEW: 2015 Top Ten Conspiracies
Patrick Henningsen and Shawn Helton | Grab a cup of coffee and get ready to look back at the wild rumble that was 2015…
Episode #115 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘2015 COMPENDIUM’ with host Patrick Henningsen
SUNDAY WIRE | A look back at the top news and conspiracies of 2015, and look ahead at what’s in store for your brave new 2016.
THE OREGON SHOOTING: Gun-Reform Calls Whitewash Analysis of Umpqua College Incident
Shawn Helton | The media is helping to nudge these shooting events out of the forensic sphere and into the political arena.
DAILY SHOOTER: Inter-Agency Drill, Lone Gunman and ‘USB Manifesto’ at Oregon Campus Shooting
Shawn Helton | Another in a long line of ‘mass shootings’ in America, but is there really more here than meets the eye?
NASHVILLE THEATER SHOOTING: Alleged Gunman With Hatchet, Found Strapped To ‘Hoax Explosive Device’
Shawn Helton | Televised shooting events have become a part of our day to day lives.
Lafayette Shooting: Echoes of Theatrical Mass-Killings & Emergency Drills
Shawn Helton | What’s behind the Acadian Ambulance connection and the event in Lafayette?
Episode #94 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Der Homelander’ with host Patrick Henningsen and guest Prof. James Tracy
SUNDAY WIRE | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…
TROUBLE IN THE HOMELAND: Chattanooga’s Made-for-TV Terror Psychodrama
Patrick Henningsen and Jay Dyer | Nearly every detail of this story has been carefully choreographed for maximum effect.