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Top New York Times Lawyer: Prosecuting WikiLeaks Would Be ‘Unpopular, Wrong, Unsuccessful’

21WIRE + Courthouse News | The US Government has a difficult legal battle ahead with WikiLeaks and all publishers.

Jordanian Academic Murdered for his Mockery of ISIS and his Support of Syria

Jamila Assi | ‘How long before we realise we need a true revolution in the Middle East?’

UK PM Cameron To TARGET Those Who ‘OBEY THE LAW’

21WIRE + The Independent | Cameron has some truly chilling words for Britain.

WIKIREBELS: The Documentary

Watch this documentary covering the Wikileaks phenomenon: . “There is no doubt that on the whole, Wikileaks and Julian Assange have done a tremendous public service by providing the public with war-time transparency on the big stage. The effort by the organisation is nothing short of groundbreaking. But this does not mean that newshounds and pundits should be […]

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