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Learn about this colonial apartheid project in the Middle East, created by Britain and now maintained by the US...

Obama to continue proxy in Syria despite Russia’s ‘diplomatic solution’

21Wire + Reuters | The hypocrisy over domestic gun control, while simultaneously supplying heavy artillery to rebel-terror groups in Syria is staggering.

Kerry and McCain’s Fake PhD Syria ‘Expert’ O’Bagy is Neocon and Israeli-linked Operative

Patrick Henningsen | She will forever be known as Kerry and McCain’s own sexier version of “curve ball” for Syria.

America’s Chemical Farce: More ‘Evidence’ in Syria Only Leads to More Questions

Yossef Bodansky | Would a head of state and his cabinet lie in public in order to influence mass opinion in favour for war?

US, Israel Making Final Preparations for Wider War, Evacuate US Embassy in Lebanon

21WIRE | War planners in Washington DC and Tel Aviv coordinate how best to capitalise on the coming war in Syria.

Lebanese President: ‘Latest Beirut car bomb has all the fingerprints of Israel’

21WIRE + TDS | The second car bomb in the last two months, with Israel being accused in both events.

Israeli Security Academy Training Agent Provocateurs?

21WIRE | Arabs have been training at a dubious institution known as the International Security Academy.

Is God is Really an Estate Agent?

Patrick Henningsen | If another religious or ethnic group made similar claims, would they too be recognised?

Palestinian Peace Talks: The ‘No-State’ Solution

Patrick Henningsen | Until Israelis stop empowering their hard-line militant politicians, there will be no peaceful solution for Palestine.

Pink Floyd’s ‘Flying Pigs’ Emblazoned with Star of David

21WIRE + Gilad | Gilad Atzmon gives us some insightful commentary as well as historical context.

Israel accused of false flag terror car bomb in Beirut by Lebanon’s former PM

21st Century Wire | Saad Hariri’s accusation of an Israeli false flag attack inside Lebanon may be accurate.

New Israeli Biometric Database Pilot Scheme

OSNET DAILY | It seems that even Israel is also keen to tag its residents.

Whistleblower General Cartwright: demonized by a criminal US government

21WIRE+RT | General Cartwright did the right thing, and is treated like a criminal – by a criminal government.

Beyond Snowden: US General Cartwright has been indicted for espionage

Thierry Meyssan | ‘Obama’s General’ James Cartwright now faces prosecution for blowing the whistle on the President’s Stuxnet and Flame viruses.

Elder Snowden ‘engineers’ deal with attorney Bruce Fein for his son’s return to US

Shawn Helton | So what will happen to Snowden now that Bruce Fein has been embedded into his case?

Redux: Full Gilad Atzmon interview for 21st Century Wire TV

21st Century Wire TV | Artist Gilad Atzmon speaks openly about Israel and war in this episode of 21st Century Wire.

Obama uses NLP to cloud minds and avoid diplomacy with Iran over its nonexistent nukes

Patrick Henningsen | US-led diplomacy on Iran is based on deception, and has little to do with nuclear weapons.

On A False Premise: US looks to G8 Summit to build ‘consensus’ over Syria

21st Century Wire | These claims are unsubstantiated.

Racist Rides: Anti-Arab violence by Jewish youth on the rise in Israel

RT | PM Benjamin Netanyahu has been forced to decry “racism against Israeli Arabs and acts of hooliganism against Palestinians.

Lebanese Army warns: ‘There is a plot to drag Lebanon into Syria war’

21st Century Wire | Forces outside Lebanon are well aware of political and social cracks, and appear to be exploiting them.

RT Op-Edge: Why Obama’s ‘red line’ in Syria has turned pink

RT Op-Edge | The chemical weapons crowd in Washington and London are now on very shaky ground indeed.

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