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Trump, Tragedy & Hope Pt. 8: The Philosophy of Globalism – Conclusion (Video)

Jay Dyer | We conclude the Tragedy & Hope lectures with the timely election of Donald Trump which eerily parallels the Goldwater era while questioning the cabinet circles that may surround Trump and the expected Soros riots.

Shameless: Blair appointee Margaret Hodge Covered For Pedophiles in Her District

David Icke | A disgusting and reprehensible event, still sanctioned by the British establishment.

Enough Already: No Evidence Iran Diverted Any Nuclear Material for Nuclear Weapons Program


SLIPPING AWAY: 8 ‘green-on-blue’ killings sweep Afghanistan over weekend

RT | As efforts to stem the tide of green-on-blue killings increase, and nerves continue to fray in the run-up to NATO’s 2014 pullout.


At first glance, this is a shocking video report by US Congressman Alan Grayson. But if you’ve been following the housing bubble since 2007, it should come as little surprise that the illustrious banking community would eventually sink to the lowest depths of fraud imaginable. It appears that the bankers’ mortgage and foreclosure fraud has […]

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