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Trump, Tragedy & Hope Pt. 8: The Philosophy of Globalism – Conclusion (Video)

Jay Dyer | We conclude the Tragedy & Hope lectures with the timely election of Donald Trump which eerily parallels the Goldwater era while questioning the cabinet circles that may surround Trump and the expected Soros riots.

Jay Dyer – Tragedy & Hope 6: World War 2 & the Cold War Symphony

Jay Dyer | Hitler’s moves were coaxed by the western powers, leading to a new boogey man that would envelop the globe in a total reengineering of order.

Jay Dyer on Tragedy & Hope Pt. 1: Bankster Revolutions

Jay Dyer | It’s time! The first lecture series to cover the entirety of Dr. Carroll Quigley’s immense Tragedy & Hope.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue