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EPIC FAIL: Anti-Trump Movement Spent $75 MILLION on 64,000 Ads

21st Century Wire says…

The system is running out of options it can use to stop Trump.

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CNN is reporting that the anti-Trump movement has spent an estimated $75,723,580 on 64,000 negative television advertisements. Furthermore, that figure only accounts for broadcast television, not cable or satellite.

About one out of every four dollars against Trump came from Conservative Solutions PAC, a group supporting Marco Rubio’s candidacy.

Two groups supporting Cruz wasted nearly $16 million in their effort, while his campaign spent $4.3 million.

One group supporting Jeb Bush spent $10 million against Trump.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign has already spent $5.2 million specifically going after Trump.

Yet, despite all of these huge sums of money being spent to try and disparage Trump’s run for the presidency – they have all failed.

Donald Trump is the only candidate still standing on the GOP ticket, and a new poll suggests Trump can indeed beat establishment-darling Hillary Clinton.

Most shocking for the establishment, perhaps, is that Trump himself only spent $19 million on campaign advertising – around a quarter of what was spent against him.

What is the system going to try next to further its campaign to stop Trump?

GET THE FULL STORY ON THE 2016 ELECTION: 21st Century Wire Election Files



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