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This is Why Joe Biden’s Poll Numbers Are Crashing

The trend is now undeniable. Joe Biden’s approval rating continues to tank, as evidenced by a new poll released this past weekend conducted by USA Today and Suffolk University showing Biden’s approval rating sinking to a shocking 38 percent. Only it doesn’t end there. 

Biden’s approval rating has been sliding for months now, starting from the administration’s shambolic withdrawal from Afghanistan which drew a bipartisan rebuke of his ability to handle complex foreign policy decisions. This has since been compounded by the White House’s open borders policy which has created an unprecedented debacle on the US southern border, and an even more devastating backlash from Biden’s disastrous attempt at enforcing a federal vaccine mandate.

These are but a few of the problems he is presiding over, but what’s worse is that the American people are no longer confident he can deal with any of them. 

Tucker Carlson Tonight analyzes why the US President’s polling numbers are tanking, and what’s behind his historically low job approval ratings. Watch: 

READ MORE BIDEN NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Biden Files




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