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Learn about this colonial apartheid project in the Middle East, created by Britain and now maintained by the US...

Israeli Lobby Forces Swedish Minister to Resign For Comparing Israel’s Pogrom to Nazis

21WIRE + RT | While still collecting scalps of academics and politicians in the west, Israel’s intellectual racketeering operation is rapidly disintegrating.

AN INTRODUCTION: Smart Power & The Human Rights Industrial Complex

Patrick Henningsen | Big money, conflicts of interest and revolving doors between government and charities – all these threaten to undermine the integrity of the entire NGO sector internationally.

US Elections: Trump the Cartoon “Fascist” is Cover for Clinton the Psychopath

James Petras | The invention of Donald Trump’s cartoon fascism is facilitating Clinton’s hardcore neocolonialism.

Hillary Clinton: Neocon War-Hawk in Waiting

Robert Parry | Hillary’s Neocon status confirmed as she is poised to pull the US to the brink of war with Russia

AVAAZ: The Progressive’s Honey Trap and Advocates of ‘Bombs for a Better World’

John Hanrahan | Avaaz promote “bombing for a better world” while calling for Palestinian Statehood. Hypocrisy or progressive manipulation?

Israel Connects BDS with ‘Terrorism’, While Cracking Down on German Banks

RT | Israel getting desperate. At the end of the day, it all comes down to the Shekels.

Syria Grand Mufti: Rebels Offering Peace in Return for ‘Concessions to Israel’

Jason Ditz | Critics now believe that ‘Rebel’ leadership are in league with Israeli intelligence.

Microsoft Pulls New A.I. Robot After It Went on Pro-Hitler Twitter Rant

Haaretz | Blade Runner meets Blazing Saddles: Microsoft engineers in shock as A.I. bot goes on wild tirade.

‘America Is Under Israeli Occupation’ by Dahlia Wasfi

Dahlia Wasfi | Israel’s Master Plan: regime change by any means, and then break-up the nation states into smaller states.

Israeli Minister Facebook Rant Blames Brussels Bombing on EU Labelling of Illegal Settlement Goods

21WIRE + Middle East Monitor | Is he barking mad, or is he trying to tell us something?

Israel ‘Rescues’ 19 Jews from War-Torn Yemen in Covert Operation

AFP + Daily Star | Al-Qaeda and ISIS have gained ground in southern Yemen since Saudi began bombing.

Syria in the Crosshairs: “The Syrian People are Against any Plans to Partition Syria!”

Vanessa Beeley | Syria in the partitioning crosshairs and determined to tear up the NATO US Israeli sectarian road map.

World War III – ‘The New Axis of Evil’

Storm Clouds Gathering | The alliances and proxies of the Syrian Front explained…

Trinity of Terror: Turkey, Israel & ISIS Conspire to Steal Syrian Energy Resources

21WIRE | How many will need to die before Turkey and Israel can get their pipelines built?

Airbnb unveils ‘Israeli’ vacation rentals in illegal West Bank settlements

972 Mag | Airbnb enables Israelis and foreigners alike to financially support the settlement economy and even profits itself off the theft of private Palestinian land.

A Troubled King: Chicago’s Rahm Emanuel Desperate to Save His 2020 Presidential Run

21WIRE | Both the Democratic Party and Israel has a lot riding on these recent Chicago police shootings.

Saudi Arabian Mufti: ISIS-Daesh Militants are ‘Israeli Soldiers’

21WIRE + Sputnik | Is the net beginning to close in on Israel’s involvement in supporting terror ops Syria and Iraq?

Washington and London’s Tradition of LYING in Order to Wage Fraudulent Wars

21WIRE | The lies and propaganda are only tools to fabricate a third world war, and bring in a new One World Government.

Oy Vey? Zionist Capo Sheldon Adelson summons Trump for ‘private meeting’ on Israel

21WIRE + JTA | One can one can only wonder what Israeli mogul Adelson really said to The Donald.

Episode #114 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Pre-Traumatic Stress Disorder’ with host Patrick Henningsen, guest Gilad Atzmon

SUNDAY WIRE | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

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