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Roy Casagranda: 100-year history of US meddling, coups and wars in the Middle East

21WIRE + UNAPOLOGETIC | Professor Roy Casagranda takes us on a journey through the last 100 years of Middle Eastern history.

INTERVIEW: Basil Valentine & Philippe Diaz – New Film: “I AM GITMO”

TNT Radio | A film inspired by the torturing of prisoners in Guantánamo Bay prison.

SYRIA, NORTH KOREA: Trump’s “Axis of Evil” is Bigger and Better than the George Bush Version

Whitney Webb | Under Trump, the “axis of evil” is having a resurgence

BUSH-HINCKLEY NEXUS: Reagan Gunman Released, Reviving Conspiracy Suspicions

Shawn Helton | This shocking shooting revealed the Bush-Hinckley family connection, as well as a set of strange circumstances and a crime scene not fully explained.

US Elections: Trump the Cartoon “Fascist” is Cover for Clinton the Psychopath

James Petras | The invention of Donald Trump’s cartoon fascism is facilitating Clinton’s hardcore neocolonialism.

‘BURN IT’: British Officials Told to Destroy Report Showing Iraq War Was Illegal

21WIRE | The evidence continues to mount against both Bush & Blair.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue