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Learn about this colonial apartheid project in the Middle East, created by Britain and now maintained by the US...

THE SAN BERNARDINO SHOOTING: What Really Happened Behind The Scenes?

Shawn Helton | The latest media driven shooting attack said to have taken place in San Bernardino, California – doesn’t add up.

‘Je Suis Netanyahu’: Again, BBC Caves To Israeli Pressure To Rewrite Headline

21WIRE + Electronic Intifada | A BBC headline was changed to obscure the fact Israeli killed a Palestinian in cold blood.

Paris: Prelude to WW3? ‘HUMANITY vs INSANITY’ host Ian Crane talks with Patrick Henningsen

Humanity vs Insanity | While the world remains obsessed on an “ISIS Conspiracy”, we investigate other very real scenarios.

Paris Attacks: A Perfect Pretext For NATO To Mobilize in Syria and Iraq

RT International | France has already vowed to lead a revenge attack in the Middle East. But is it really about NATO?

EU Orders Consumer Warning Labels on Goods Produced in Israeli Occupied Lands

21WIRE | A strong message to Israel that their criminal actions need to come to an end.

Israel Held ‘Largest Ever’ Air Combat Drill Nearby, On Same Day as Russian Sinai Crash

21WIRE | Incredible coincidence, or something more sinister?

Israeli Military Thugs Execute Wounded Palestinian Youth in the Street in Broad Daylight

21WIRE + Electronic Infifada | Israeli military henchmen execute an unarmed, wounded Palestinian man in the street in broad daylight.

MID-WEEK WIRE SPECIAL REPORT: Russian Airliner – A Pretext?

Patrick Henningsen | Exposing Washington and CNN’s all-out propaganda blitz against Russia this week.

The ‘Non-Lethal’ Chemical Weapon That’s Killing Palestinians

Sheren Khalel | Israel’s brutal pogrom goes unchallenged by its US funders.

‘IDF Turkey Shoot’: Israel Shot 2,600 Palestinians in Month of October

21WIRE | The Israeli Police State continues to scale to new depths of depravity and disregard for human life.

Israel’s Encirclement of Al-Aqsa ‘Nearly Complete’

Jonathan Cook | Despite claims it is seeking to calm tensions in Jerusalem, Israel has moved to encircle the al-Aqsa mosque holy worship site.

LATEST: VIDEO of Russian Jet Crash in Sinai and What We Know So Far

RT.com | Here’s what’s known so far about the crash of Flight 7K9268 in Sinai, Egypt this past weekend.

Episode #107 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Trouble With The Holy Land’ with guests Gilad Atzmon and Vanessa Beeley

SUNDAY WIRE | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

Alleged ISIS Video Claims ‘Shoot Down’ of Russian Airliner in Sinai – But False Flag is More Likely

21WIRE | This latest video opens another can of worms of speculation, but with no clear answer available so far.

BREAKING: Russian Jet with 220 Passengers Goes Off Radar, Mysteriously Crashes in Sinai, Egypt

21WIRE + RT | Mysterious Airbus crash early this morning traveling from Egypt to St. Petersberg.

Netanyahu’s New Ethnic Cleansing Scheme: Forcibly Displacing East Jerusalem Arab Residents

Stephen Lendman | Netanyahu’s proposed scheme sounds ominously like something out of Hitler’s playbook.

Israel vs Palestine: David vs Goliath Narrative That Shows No Sign of Abating

21WIRE + RT | The latest tragedy that is sure to ignite more troubles.

Chaos in Jerusalem: Warning of Things to Come, As Jewish Mobs Call for ‘Death to the Arabs’

Jonathan Cook | For Palestinians, the incremental takeover and the West’s indifference – is like watching the mass dispossession of 1948 play out again in slow motion.

End Game: Is Netanyahu Nudging Towards Israel’s Annexation of East Jerusalem?

Anthony Bellchambers | In the words of Rahm, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”

Palestine’s Wound (Where The Bleeding Never Stops)

Dr. Hatem Bazian | Sadly, violence never takes a vacation in Occupied Palestine.

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