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BUILDING 7: University of Alaska Study to Examine Controlled Demolition of WTC 7

21WIRE | This is long overdue.

Eyewash: CIA Elites Misleading Employees Indicates That Conspiracies Are NOT ‘Ridiculous Fantasy’

21WIRE | The CIA is trying its best to avoid oversight and accountability.

Loose Change Final Cut: Exposing The Fraudulent Official Story of 9/11

21WIRE | Loose Change launched a worldwide 9/11 Truth Movement.

U.S. Intel Officer: “Most terrorists are FALSE FLAG terrorists!”

Stuart J. Hooper | A bombshell statement from a former intelligence official takes aim at false flag terrorism.

9/11 Truth ‘Inside Job’ Caused Seahawks Superbowl Loss

21WIRE | FOX News host asserts an ‘inside job’ was responsible for the Seahawks’ loss, while applying kindergarten science to 9/11.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue