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Patriot Act Spying Provisions Expire: NUCLEAR 9/11 Incoming?

Stuart J. Hooper + RT | The Patriot Act’s spying has expired and the fear mongering has already begun.

Mother of Five ‘Killed’ By Austerity Cuts

21WIRE + The Independent | The list of people killed by cuts is growing day by day.

‘EMPIRE USA’: Patrick Henningsen on RT’s CrossTalk

CrossTalk | It’s time to redefine and update our concept of a ‘world empire’.

Episode #86 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘The Beautiful Game’ with guests Dr. Nick Kollerstrom and Basil Valentine

SUNDAY WIRE | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

Henningsen: FIFA Is An Outdated ‘Corrupt Old Boys Club’

Patrick Henningsen | FIFA may be one of the most corrupt institutions on the planet – all the more reason to overhaul it completely.

MOCKINGBIRD MEDIA: ISIS ‘Nuclear Threat’ Echoed by ‘Hostage’ John Cantlie

21st Century Wire | More propaganda coming from ISIS media persona John Cantlie.

Ugly America: Another Staged ‘Mohammed Cartoon’ Event in Phoenix

Daily Shooter | Organizers claim they are “utilizing our right to freedom of speech”, but nothing could be further from the truth.

Jade Helm: The Psy Op

Jay Dyer | With so much hype being spun around ‘JADE HELM’, the alternative media may have been willfully duped.

HUNGER GAMES: New BBC Game Show Pitting Poor Against Poorer

21WIRE + The Independent | The ever declining state of reality entertainment appears to have hit rock-bottom.

О нет! ISIS issues propaganda magazine – in Russian!

21WIRE + RT | The west’s ISIS narrative has officially gone from the ridiculous to the absurd.

BEAST TECH: DARPA and Google’s Transhumanist Takeover

21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | DARPA and Google have transhumanist designs on our future.

VIDEO: Ex-CIA Agent Expains How Alternative Media Can Defeat The Ruling Elite

21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | Watch as ex-CIA agent Robert Steele tells us how to ‘delete’ the elite.

Patrick Henningsen on IN THE NOW: ‘US War on ISIS a Complete Failure’

IN THE NOW | Are the great powers really aiding and abetting ISIS?

Henningsen: Saudi Arabia’s ‘Imperial Debut’ in Yemen a Disaster

Patrick Henningsen | The CIA and other clandestine agencies could be playing both sides of the conflict.

Federal Judge: CIA Torture Report Remains Secret, ‘Not FOIA Worthy’

21WIRE + RT | Score another lynchpin in Washington’s phony War on Terror.

US DoD ‘Star Wars’ Tech: DARPA’s Death Ray Begins Testing

21WIRE + RT | Science fiction is now science fact.

Iraqi ‘Conspiracy Theorists’: America Supporting ISIS

Stuart J. Hooper + Foreign Policy | Where there is smoke, there is usually fire.

ISIS Threatens the Ancient City of Palmyra in Syria

21WIRE + Stephen Lendman | ISIS relies on the western media to provide publicity for all of its military conquests.

Episode #85 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Real Men Drink Dark Ale’ with Host Patrick Henningsen

SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

KOSHER JIHAD? Israel’s Dirty War Props Up Islamic Militants In Syria

Steven MacMillan | Israel’s strategic desire to weaken both Syria and Iraq is undeniable.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue