Andrew McKillop | A dangerous game of international terror is being played around Russia’s Winter Olympics in Sochi.
Author Andrew McKillop is a veteran markets analyst and former energy economist and advisor to the European Commission, and author of the groundbreaking book, Doomsday Machine.
HEY! They Took Away My Planet and Gave Me Revolution
Andrew McKillop | An epic rant. Beware, be afraid of the ‘System Tyrant’.
Know Your Enemy: Financial Fascism and its Come-Uppance
Andrew McKillop | Their financialized economy is the summit of irrationality, inefficiency, waste, corruption and non-performance.
Obama’s Wars Winding Down: The Perpetual Illusion of ‘Enduring Security’
Andrew McKillop | How quickly the Middle East agenda changed, almost overnight.
The Magic Security Cult and Its Bungled Trip to Paradise
Andrew McKillop | The range of farcical events and “scandals”, with or without the body parts on the sidewalk, shows we need another explanation to this desperation.
Orwellian Irradiated ‘Franken-Foods’ Are The New Normal
Andrew McKillop | From bullets to bread, it’s important to know where your radioactivity is coming from.
Poor Saudis: Iran Nuclear Peace Deal Hurts Cartel’s Plans for Over-priced Oil
Andrew McKillop | Hardly reassurring to know that the French are busy behind the scenes doing all they can to screw up an already perverted game of diplomatic twister.
Agent Provocateur Ultimo: Prince Bandar and the Price of Oil
Andrew McKillop | What’s the easiest way to manipulate the price of oil? Ask Bandar…
Another Crash? Oil Teeters On The Brink – of $100 per Barrel
Andrew McKillop | This is a deflation crisis, likely or certainly followed by hyperinflation…
Mexican Standoff: Obama’s Ever-Shifting Doctrine on WMDs
Andrew McKillop | Real security and prosperity can no longer be found in the old paradigm of the mafia military mentality.
Dog Eat Dog: A New Level of Jihadist Chaos Unfolds in Syria’s Dirty War
Andrew McKillop | As the chaos increases in Syria, a messy outcome is waiting down the road for Europe itself.
Beyond Syria: No Attack – No Imperiums – No Global Community
Andrew McKillop | Syria has exposed a disturbing picture of what they call the ‘international community’.
Chess or Checkers: Putin and Obama on a Collision Course
Andrew McKillop | Both Obama and Kerry appear to out of their depth. They want a war, but can’t work out how to get it on.
Empire Games and The Syrian Headbanger
Andrew McKillop | America and France’s downsized imperial dreams may soon have jumbo-sized competitors.
Hollande on Syria: That’s Me in The Spotlight, Losing My Religion
Andrew McKillop | Sacré bleu! The flaky arrogance of the French leadership is threatening world peace this week.
French Colonial Dreams Linger as Raison d’être in Syria
Andrew McKillop | French media including political talk shows on prime time are providing the infill, harking back to France’s civilizing mission and “unfinished business” in the Middle East.
Andrew McKillop | Hillary broke from tradition by avoiding all serious attempts at solving US-sponsored quagmires like Afghanistan and Israel.
Andrew McKillop | By 2014, the US will be rivaling Saudi and Russian oil output, or even exceeding their output, as Asian demands for energy increase.