Middle East Discourse | Israel unleashes an unprovoked attack targeting Syrian food supplies and civilian businesses.
Syrian Army Thwart New Militant Attack on the ‘Axis of Al-Kabina’ in Northern Lattakia
Khaled Iskef | Turkey deploys its militant proxies in order to distract SAA from its focus on regaining territory in Idlib.
SouthFront: Map Update on Military Situation in Syria
SouthFront | A map update on the current military situation in Syria.
Assad: Downing of Russian Aircraft ‘result of Israeli arrogance’
AMN | Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad told Vladimir Putin that the Russian Il-20 plane crash was a ‘result of Israeli arrogance’.
FLASHPOINT LATAKIA: Israel’s ‘Psychotic’ War Games Continue Over Syria
21WIRE | Israel continues its ‘psychotic’ war games over Syria, completely unchecked. This is the problem.
Problem, Reaction, Solution: US Bait Arrives in Idlib, ISIS Now in Position
21WIRE | With ISIS fighters moving into Idlib, U.S. forces have their ‘carte blanche’ to stay indefinitely.
Syrian Army Advance in Northern Latakia, Pushing Out Al Nusra
21WIRE + RT + TDS | Syrian government forces have recaptured the key town of Kinsabba today.
French Colonial Dreams Linger as Raison d’être in Syria
Andrew McKillop | French media including political talk shows on prime time are providing the infill, harking back to France’s civilizing mission and “unfinished business” in the Middle East.