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Legal Dilemma: Sexbots vs. ‘The Thought Police’

21WIRE | The ethical and legal implications of this technology will challenge the current legal system in ways we can’t imagine.

REVEALED: A Secret Agreement to Restore Raqqa to Syria?

21WIRE + Voltaire Net | If true, this could be a major breakthrough in the long Syrian conflict.

(VIDEO) Syrian Army Liberates One of Last ISIS Strongholds in Homs Province

21WIRE + RT | The US and Israel’s frustrations continued to mount in Syria.

Caliphate Lite: Turkey Eyes Somalia as Gateway into Africa

21WIRE + MEE | Turkey is due to open its largest overseas military base in Somalia, the latest move signalling a return to old imperial stomping grounds

With All Our Gadgets, Americans’ Electricity Use is Down

Redcode | Our numerous gadgets are all getting more efficient, so they’re less of a drain on residential electric bills.

Mid Summer Anger: Oliver Stone Waxes US Establishment’s Russia Conspiracy Theory

Oliver Stone | Are the Washington Post and the New York Times so powerful that no one bothers to read or think beyond them?

Robert Parry: The Dawn of an Orwellian Future

Robert Parry | Who will hold mainstream media accountable when it intentionally misleads its readers with deceptive language and lies?

Episode #197 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Silicon Stasi’ with Patrick Henningsen and guest Mike Robinson

SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

DIGITAL TYRANNY: Google and Facebook’s Automated Censorship Program (I Hope You Can Speak Chinese)

21WIRE | This is all part of a wider political agenda.

Henningsen: ‘One Man’s Collateral Damage is Another Man’s Wife and Children’

Patrick Henningsen | The farce of Operation Inherent Resolve – which the US has been trying to ‘resolve’ rather unsuccessfully since 2014.

Does CNN Really Have a ‘Cosmopolitan Bias’?

21WIRE | CNN’s reputation continues to plummet, with its problems compounding at a time when its parent company is negotiating one of the biggest mergers in media history.

AFGHANISTAN: Examining the Myths, the Lies and the Legends ~ Andre Vltchek

Andre Vltchek | Afghanistan is right here, unravelling the lies, myths and legends


John Pilger | The “Ministry of Truth” is preparing us for Nuclear War.

Pay Off: The Establishment Rewards Comey with $2 million Book Deal

21WIRE + AP/The Guardian | James Comey is no stranger to elite circles, and is clearly regarded by those at the top as ‘a safe pair of hands.’

UK COLUMN: Seth Rich, North Korea Fear-Mongering, UK Internet Censorship

UK Column News | Mike Robinson, Patrick Henningsen and Alex Thomson with today’s international news round-up.

Tillerson to North Korea: ‘We Are Not Your Enemy’ – US Seeks Dialogue, Not Regime Change

21WIRE + RT | The real question is: does North Korea actually have an operational nuclear weapons program.

Hate PLC: A Multimillion Pound Industry

Gilad Atzmon | If UK government genuinely want to fight anti-Semitism, then it should reinstate British liberal values of universalism and tolerance – that go beyond the interests of only one group.

The U.S. Establishment vs The Rest of World

Thierry Meyssan | The Democrat and Republican leaders came to an agreement – to thwart President Trump’s foreign policy and preserve their imperial advantages.

James Le Mesurier: The British Mercenary Who Founded The White Helmets

Whitney Webb | In the hybrid war that has been waged against Syria, there are very few coincidences.

Has China Undermined India’s Security Without Firing a Single Bullet?

Niraj Srivastava | Is it time for India to review its outdated “China Policy”?

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