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REPORT: Comey’s ‘Stand Down’, Collusion with Senator ‘Killed’ WikiLeaks Deal

21WIRE + John Solomon | Lost in all of the Russiagate drama is the fact that ‘collusion’ has already been proven – just not in the way most Russiagaters can only dream about.

Pay Off: The Establishment Rewards Comey with $2 million Book Deal

21WIRE + AP/The Guardian | James Comey is no stranger to elite circles, and is clearly regarded by those at the top as ‘a safe pair of hands.’

DISMISSED: Trump Fires Scandal Plagued FBI Director James Comey – What Does It Mean?

21WIRE + RT | The White House dismisses controversial FBI director James Comey.

James Comey’s Legacy: Blaming Russia Rather Than Saudi Arabia And Israel

Adam Garrie + The Duran | Until his ‘release’, James Comey’s continued doubling down on the Russia narrative only served to ‘wag the dog’ with Saudi Arabia and Israel.

FBI Director Comey was board member of HSBC – Clinton Foundation & Drug Cartel ‘bank of choice’

21WIRE + Investment Watch | The personal and financial links between the Clintons and FBI Director James Comey are undeniable.

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