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21WIRE's archive of one of the most under-reported areas of Middle East geopolitics, and yet one of the most crucial in terms of charting the future of the region. Here you will find in-depth and timely analysis not found anywhere else.

It’s Official: Turkey is Blackmailing the EU on ‘Migrants & Refugees’

21WIRE + Newsline | Are EU elected leaders and bureaucrats THAT stupid?

‘Moderate Rebels’ Involved in Ongoing Attacks on CIVILIANS in Aleppo

21WIRE | They were never at all moderate.

Jihadists Supplies From Turkey Coming to Syria Caught on Camera

21WIRE | Shocking drone footage has captured the criminality.

‘Terror Group Insignia’: Turks Freak Out as US Special Forces Wear Badge of Kurds

21WIRE | Turkey is not happy about the US working with the Kurds.

Weapons and Jihadists For al-Nusra Flowing DAILY From Turkey Into Syria

21WIRE | Russia is telling the world who is responsible for the escalating crisis.

Syria: Is Aleppo the “Smoking Gun” that will Precipitate a US Proxy War against Russia and Iran?

Prof. Michel Chossudovsky | Aleppo: Escalation in terrorism and propaganda may herald a renewed US offensive against Russia and Iran.

Syria: The Real US-NATO Creators of Hell in Aleppo

Vanessa Beeley | As the battle to liberate Aleppo from the US NATO proxy occupiers intensifies, the US NATO anti Syria propaganda amplifies.

Germany Silences Erdogan Critics to Build New Air Force Base in Turkey

21WIRE | Political appeasement has crushed free speech to further German military objectives.

New Yorker “Assad Files”: Multi Million Dollar Propaganda Campaign

Daniel Lazare | “Liberal” New Yorker joins anti Syria propaganda cabal in wake of Syrian Army victories on the ground.

Syria: How Washington Backed the ISIS Takeover and Destruction of Palmyra

Prof. Tim Anderson | The US supported ISIS occupation and destruction of Palmyra, mass killings and torture.

Erdogan: Pretender to the Ottoman Throne Threatens to Exile Five Million Turks

Thierry Meyssan | Erdogan’s delusions of Empire threaten to deprive 5 million Turks of their nationality.

Another Hidden War: Azerbaijan & Armenia

21WIRE + UK Column | Some key points regarding the geopolitical tremors in Nagorno-Karabakh.

ANALYSIS: Armenia and Azerbaijan – The History Behind the Recent Tensions

21WIRE + Andrew Korybko | The real reasons behind the recent Azerbaijan and Armenia tensions explained by geopolitical analyst, Andrew Korybko.

EXPOSED: How US-Backed War on Syria Helped ISIS to Expand Their Operations

21WIRE + Daniel Lazare | Obama’s “regime change” war responsible for ISIS rise and terrorist blow-back in Europe.

WHEN IN ROME: Erdogan Thugs Rough-up Press, Protesters in Washington – No Outrage From White House

21WIRE + RT | Clearly, Turkey’s media crackdown knows no borders.

ISIS, Oil & Turkey: Trove of Jihadist Docs Detailing Illegal Trade with Ankara

21WIRE + RT | RT films Kurdish soldiers surveying what used to be the homes of ISIS fighters, with piles documents left behind.

ART OF WAR: What’s Behind Russia’s ‘Ides of March’ Military Drawdown in Syria?

21WIRE + Sputnik News | What’s behind Russia’s strategic decision to drawdown military support in Syria?

Syrian Kurds: Turkey Providing ‘Clear Transit Route’ for Sarin Gas Deliveries to ISIS

21WIRE | Chemical weapons are being sent directly into Syria through Turkey.

BOOM TOWN: Iraq’s Kurdish Region Flourishes Amidst Warfare

Randy Johnson | Iraqi Kurdistan’s “Boom Towns” flourish amidst regional warfare.

Erdogan Panics: Turkish Police Raid Opposition Newspaper – Firing Tear Gas, Water Cannons at Protesters

21WIRE + The Independent | Editor-in-Chief roughed-up by Turkish police during brutal government crackdown of free press.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue