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21WIRE's archive of one of the most under-reported areas of Middle East geopolitics, and yet one of the most crucial in terms of charting the future of the region. Here you will find in-depth and timely analysis not found anywhere else.

Episode #123 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Turkish Winter’ with guests Vanessa Beeley, Stuart Hooper & Randy J

SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

NATO CRISIS? Russia Calls UN Security Council Meeting to Prevent Turkey’s Invasion of Syria

21WIRE | This is called taking it to the top, and the US is not at all happy about it.

Syrian Adviser on TV: ‘Turkey is Primary Cause of Conflict in Syria’

21WIRE | Turkey and Saudi Arabia are throwing diplomatic tantrums as Syrian Armed Forces and Russia repel their terrorists cells.

Korybko on Migrant Crisis: ‘Strategically engineered, weapons of mass migration’

21WIRE | A real discussion about the migrant crisis, a ‘crisis by design’, with Sunday Wire guest Andrew Korybko.

‘Mass Evacuation’: ISIS Fighters Leaving After Russia Destroys 1,593 Targets in a Week

21WIRE | Russian jets are chasing the jihadists all the way back to the Turkish border.

Turkey Wants ‘Secure Line’ 10km Inside Syria, Including Arms Smuggling Corridor

21WIRE | If you think Turkey is concerned with the safety of Syrians – think again.

West Screams ‘War Crimes’ Just as Russia Sends CIA-Backed Terrorists Running Home

21WIRE | Fresh allegations have arisen accusing of Russia of war crimes, as the same bombs are eradicating Western-backed terror in Syria.

Saudi Arabia: Assad ‘Will Be Removed by Force’ If Syria Peace Talks Fail

21WIRE | A huge escalation in the Syrian crisis could now just be days away.

Is the end near for ISIS in Syria? [POLL]

21WIRE Shout | A recent poll asks whether the days of ISIS are numbered. If so, has Russia made a difference? Vote, comment and share.

Are Russian Airstrikes Disrupting the CIA’s Arms Smuggling Operation in Syria?

21WIRE | The CIA’s not-so-covert interference in Syria is coming to an abrupt end.

Assad Vows to Liberate Syria, Attacks Foreign Support for ISIS Terrorists

21WIRE | Assad is not looking to give the terrorists a way out any time soon.

PRETEXT FOR WAR: Turkey Hyping ‘New Influx of 600,000 Refugees’, Russia Warns of Imminent Invasion

21WIRE | Turkish officials are saying they want to keep the problem on the ‘other side of the border’, as Russia sees signs of military mobilization.

World War III – ‘The New Axis of Evil’

Storm Clouds Gathering | The alliances and proxies of the Syrian Front explained…

END OF ISIS? Russian Jets Hit 900 Targets in Last Three Days, Jihadists Fleeing

21WIRE | ISIS is rapidly losing ground and being pushed back to the Turkish border.

War Warning: Serious Grounds to Believe Turkey Planning Military Invasion of Syria

21WIRE | Russia now has serious concerns about Turkey’s actions on its border with Syria.

Trinity of Terror: Turkey, Israel & ISIS Conspire to Steal Syrian Energy Resources

21WIRE | How many will need to die before Turkey and Israel can get their pipelines built?

Sunnistan: US and Allied ‘Safe Zone’ Plan to Take Territorial Booty in Northern Syria

Patrick Henningsen | If the Syrian conflict has been good for one thing, it’s that the scripted western narrative has finally hit the wall of truth.

ANOTHER NATO SCAM: West Largely Silent About Erdogan’s War on Kurds

Stephen Lendman | Turkey’s Sultan Erdogan is has used his own fabricated “ISIS Crisis” as cover to systematically eliminate the Kurdish opposition to his totalitarian rule.

Saudi Arabian Mufti: ISIS-Daesh Militants are ‘Israeli Soldiers’

21WIRE + Sputnik | Is the net beginning to close in on Israel’s involvement in supporting terror ops Syria and Iraq?

Foreign Weapons, Fighters and Agenda: Syria’s War is Not a Civil War – It Never Was

Ulson Gunnar | Here’s the rub: how to settle a civil war that doesn’t exist?

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