Barbara McKenzie | The Syria Solidarity UK working hard against Syria
Syria Solidarity UK Take on Vanessa Beeley – and Lose
Filed Under: Barbara McKenzie, Featured, Middle East Tagged With: Aleppo, Barrel Bombs, Gulf states, Israel, NATO, SSUK, Syria News, UK, US, White Helmets
SYRIA: Consign “Barrel Bombs” to the Propaganda Graveyard
Filed Under: Featured, Middle East, Vanessa Beeley Tagged With: Aleppo, Barrel Bombs, Media Cog, smart power, Syria News, White Helmets
Syria: The Real US-NATO Creators of Hell in Aleppo

Vanessa Beeley | As the battle to liberate Aleppo from the US NATO proxy occupiers intensifies, the US NATO anti Syria propaganda amplifies.
Filed Under: Featured, International News, Middle East, Vanessa Beeley Tagged With: Assad, Barrel Bombs, George Soros, HRW, Ken Roth, NATO, Russia, Syria News, Syrian Arab Army, TURKEY FILES, UK, US, WHO
‘I think it was Russian!’ – Media Pushing Baseless Claim That ‘Putin is Bombing Civilians’ in Syria

Stuart J. Hooper | With stories like this, it is starting to look like the journalistic profession is dead in the West.
Filed Under: Featured, International News, Stuart Hooper Tagged With: Assad, Barrel Bombs, Fake News, ISIL, ISIS, Media Cog, propaganda, Putin, Russia, Syria News, WMD