Vanessa Beeley | As the battle to liberate Aleppo from the US NATO proxy occupiers intensifies, the US NATO anti Syria propaganda amplifies.
21WIRE's archive of one of the most under-reported areas of Middle East geopolitics, and yet one of the most crucial in terms of charting the future of the region. Here you will find in-depth and timely analysis not found anywhere else.
Germany Silences Erdogan Critics to Build New Air Force Base in Turkey
21WIRE | Political appeasement has crushed free speech to further German military objectives.
New Yorker “Assad Files”: Multi Million Dollar Propaganda Campaign
Daniel Lazare | “Liberal” New Yorker joins anti Syria propaganda cabal in wake of Syrian Army victories on the ground.
Syria: How Washington Backed the ISIS Takeover and Destruction of Palmyra
Prof. Tim Anderson | The US supported ISIS occupation and destruction of Palmyra, mass killings and torture.
Erdogan: Pretender to the Ottoman Throne Threatens to Exile Five Million Turks
Thierry Meyssan | Erdogan’s delusions of Empire threaten to deprive 5 million Turks of their nationality.
Another Hidden War: Azerbaijan & Armenia
21WIRE + UK Column | Some key points regarding the geopolitical tremors in Nagorno-Karabakh.
ANALYSIS: Armenia and Azerbaijan – The History Behind the Recent Tensions
21WIRE + Andrew Korybko | The real reasons behind the recent Azerbaijan and Armenia tensions explained by geopolitical analyst, Andrew Korybko.
EXPOSED: How US-Backed War on Syria Helped ISIS to Expand Their Operations
21WIRE + Daniel Lazare | Obama’s “regime change” war responsible for ISIS rise and terrorist blow-back in Europe.
WHEN IN ROME: Erdogan Thugs Rough-up Press, Protesters in Washington – No Outrage From White House
21WIRE + RT | Clearly, Turkey’s media crackdown knows no borders.
ISIS, Oil & Turkey: Trove of Jihadist Docs Detailing Illegal Trade with Ankara
21WIRE + RT | RT films Kurdish soldiers surveying what used to be the homes of ISIS fighters, with piles documents left behind.
ART OF WAR: What’s Behind Russia’s ‘Ides of March’ Military Drawdown in Syria?
21WIRE + Sputnik News | What’s behind Russia’s strategic decision to drawdown military support in Syria?
Syrian Kurds: Turkey Providing ‘Clear Transit Route’ for Sarin Gas Deliveries to ISIS
21WIRE | Chemical weapons are being sent directly into Syria through Turkey.
Erdogan Panics: Turkish Police Raid Opposition Newspaper – Firing Tear Gas, Water Cannons at Protesters
21WIRE + The Independent | Editor-in-Chief roughed-up by Turkish police during brutal government crackdown of free press.
Suspicious Weapon Shipment from Turkey to Lebanon SEIZED as Saudis Call Hezbollah ‘Terrorists’
21WIRE | Was a coup d’état just inadvertently avoided in Lebanon thanks to Greek port authorities?
Episode #124 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Derry & Toms (Away)’ with guests Jeremy Salt, Shawn Helton, Basil Valentine
SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…
Voices from Syria: Reports from Inside Syria by Rev. Andrew Ashdown – Part 1
21st Century Wire | Voices from Syria: An in-depth report from inside Syria by Rev. Andrew Ashdown, recently returned from the Middle East.
Syria in the Crosshairs: “The Syrian People are Against any Plans to Partition Syria!”
Vanessa Beeley | Syria in the partitioning crosshairs and determined to tear up the NATO US Israeli sectarian road map.
FAIL: Turkey’s Support for Terrorism Causes Huge ‘Unexpected’ Decline in Tourism
21WIRE | As Turkey relies so heavily on tourism, this economic hit could cause a drastic change in Turkish foreign policy.
NATO Abandons Turkey, Will NOT Support War Against Russia
21WIRE | Will a cold shoulder from NATO help to cool off Turkey’s actions in Syria?