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Grenfell Tragedy: Woven Into the Fabric of Neoliberal Britain

21WIRE | Britain’s super-bureaucracy is becoming ever more remote from the issues and concerns that affect the daily lives of ordinary people.

Grenfell Analysis: Disaster Result of ‘Regeneration’ Corruption & UK Govt ‘New Deal for Communities’

UK Column News | The public-private corruption is both systematic and far-reaching.

Grenfell Neighbour: ‘Flammable panels were installed to improve appearance of the area’

21WIRE | Highly flammable external panels were installed in order to improve overall property values in the area.

(VIDEO) Grenfell Tower Protesters Storm Kensington Town Hall in London

21WIRE | Residents are now openly accusing that mainstream media of intentionally downplaying the death in order to minimise the political fallout.

Grenfell Tower: A Tory Wicker Man ?

21WIRE REPORT | Were low income residents sacrificed at the the altar of austerity, greed and corporate privatisation?

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue