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Wikipedia Page Alteration: Has Derek Laud Been ‘Unfriended’ by Tory Elite?

The Needle | Someone doesn’t want to be linked to Tory gopher and party boy Derek Laud. Is it the Camerons?

Mother at risk of forcible drugging with anti-psychotic medication – PLEASE ACT

Holly Barker…  – a caring mother, has been sectioned on Friday 26 October 2012 by Oxfordshire and Welsh Child Services and Mental Health Teams – for trying to defend her daughter against abuse. Holly was not properly admitted to hospital on arrival at 1830 Friday evening; she was not examined by a doctor on, or […]

Mystery of the helicopter landed at scene of Dr Kelly’s death after his body was found

Mail Online | “‘If the purpose of the helicopter flight was innocent, one has to ask why it was kept secret.”

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