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REAL Coverage of Syrian Conflict

Since 2011, the Syrian War has become one of the most important battlefields in the world. Now in its 8th year, it remains one of the most misrepresented conflicts in history, as regime change-seeking Western and Gulf state powers seek to mislead the public by wrongly framing it as a 'civil war' when in fact it is any but that. With over 1,500 Syria-related articles and videos in our archive, 21WIRE is determined to set the record straight, providing readers with groundbreaking coverage from the Middle East...

WHO ARE SYRIA’S WHITE HELMETS (terrorist linked)?

Vanessa Beeley | Who are the White Helmets? A question we should all be asking as Jo Cox’s death is exploited by world governments to reinforce a US NATO shadow state inside Syria.

Why is the Shadow Government Still Pushing Obama to Bomb Assad?

21WIRE | Is a war against Assad approaching?

SYRIA: In a Surprise Attack, Russia Bombs US Assets on the Ground Not Once but Twice

Moon of Alabama | US pushes Russia too far and Russia pushes back, bombing US assets on the ground in Syria

The US State Department’s Obsessive Collective Hegemony Disorder

Robert Parry | US State Department display terrifying levels of collective insanity to broker WWIII

Syria: Washington’s War Drums Amplify as US Diplomats Demand ‘Global Effort to End Conflict’

21WIRE | US frustration at thwarted Syria road map provokes a veiled call to arms by US Diplomats

CIA THEATRICS? ISIS Leader Baghdadi Rumored to be ‘Killed in Airstrike’

21WIRE | Are we one step closer to the end of ISIS?

Syria: Aleppo Doctor Demolishes Imperialist Propaganda and Media Warmongering

Vanessa Beeley | Dr Nabil Antaki, a Doctor based in western Aleppo speaks about all aspects of the US, NATO dirty war against Syria.

German ‘Boots on the Ground’ as NATO Troop Build-Up Continues on Syria-Turkey Border

21WIRE | NATO troops invade Syria along Turkish border forming a shadow battle front under cover of fighting ISIS

Syria: Preparing For The Day After

21WIRE | Interventions have consequences.

Fortified ISIS Positions Within METERS of Turkish Border, Ignored by Coalition Jets

21WIRE | This is really a case of you need to see it to believe it.

The United States and Perpetual War: Will a New President Buck The Trend?

21WIRE | 30 more years of war? There is no end in sight.

Henningsen on RT: US ‘Moderate’ Deception in Syria is Fueling the Conflict

Patrick Henningsen | Who is Washington trying to con here?

Brexit Deception, EU Army, SAS in Syria – UK Column News – June 7, 2016

UK Column News | UK Column and 21WIRE join up to deliver a power news broadcast.

It’s Official: Turkey is Blackmailing the EU on ‘Migrants & Refugees’

21WIRE + Newsline | Are EU elected leaders and bureaucrats THAT stupid?

‘Moderate Rebels’ Involved in Ongoing Attacks on CIVILIANS in Aleppo

21WIRE | They were never at all moderate.

Assad Political and Media Advisor: “I was offered millions to leave the Syrian Government”

RT | Dr Bouthaina Shaaban, Assad’s media advisor “I was offered millions to leave the Syrian Government”

SYRIA: US Requests Protection for Al Qaeda as Terrorist Atrocities in Aleppo Escalate

Vanessa Beeley | As the US demands that Russia cease targeting Al Qaeda in Syria, terrorist violence in Aleppo increases.

SYRIA: U.S. Requests Protection for Al Qaeda as Terrorist Atrocities in Aleppo Escalate

Vanessa Beeley | As the US demands that Russia cease targeting Al Qaeda in Syria, terrorist violence in Aleppo increases.

Jihadists Supplies From Turkey Coming to Syria Caught on Camera

21WIRE | Shocking drone footage has captured the criminality.

Mint Press News talks with Vanessa Beeley about fake NGOs Syria

Mint Press News | More on the west’s clandestine Smart Power Complex at work in Syria.

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