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Jay Dyer – Tragedy & Hope 6: World War 2 & the Cold War Symphony

picJay Dyer
21st Century Wire

Here, we pick up where part 5 left off in the long drudgery of World War 2. Hitler’s moves were coaxed by the western powers, leading to a new boogey man that would envelop the globe in a total re-engineering of order.

From a 3 bloc to a 2 bloc world, the “new war order” was like nothing before it, leading to the Cold War and the scientific dictatorship.

Stream or download the free hour 1 of part 6 here.
Lecture 1 is here.
Lecture 2 is here.
Lecture 3 is here.
Lecture 4 here.
Lecture 5 here
Video version:

READ MORE SHADOW GOVERNMENT NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Shadow Government Files

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Jay Dyer is the author of the forthcoming title, Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film from Trine Day.  Focusing on film, philosophy, geopolitics and all things esoteric, JaysAnalysis and his podcast, “Esoteric Hollywood,” investigates the deeper meanings between the headlines, exploring the hidden aspects of our sinister synthetic mass media matrix.



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