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MEK Favorites Speak at Virtual ‘Free Iran’ Regime Change Conference

21WIRE + Antiwar.com | A virtual cavalcade of regime change hawks, including longtime favorite of the MEK, Rudy Giuliani.

US State Dept Defunds Twitter-Trolling ‘Iran Disinformation Project’

21WIRE + Antiwar.com | The state-sponsored, American taxpayer-funded troll project targeted individuals, including journalists, and organizations online.

US vs Iran: Inverted Reality, Real War

Tony Cartalucci | It is upon feet of clay that the US builds its case against Iran – with catastrophes from Washington’s many other wars still burning in the background.

Shock or Not? Pompeo says ‘No Military Intervention in Iran’, but does he mean It?

21WIRE | Trump and his hawks could lose big if put to an electoral referendum on this issue.

Foreign Policy: ‘The Good, Bad, & The Ugly’ of Trump’s UN Speech

21WIRE + Liberty Report | There wasn’t much ‘good’ in store for Yemen, Iran, et al in President Trump’s UNGA speech.

MEK: Ahvaz Terror Attack Exposes US, Saudi, Israeli-Backed Support for Terrorist Organization and Regime Change in Iran

21WIRE + Marwa Osman | The recent terror attack in Iran looks like MEK, and yet another regime change inspired event.

Russiagate Conceals Israeli Meddling and Coming War with Iran

Global Research | While the establishment and its corporate media stenographers peddle ‘Russian meddling’, Israel’s power over the Trump administration’s foreign policy is largely overlooked.

Liberty Report: MEK are US ‘Terrorists of Choice’ for Regime Change in Iran

Ron Paul Liberty Report | Hosts Dr Ron Paul and Daniel McAdams joined in-studio with special guest Patrick Henningsen.

The Qatari Conundrum: A Saudi Message to Turkey and Iran

Dr. Can Erimtan | The next moves by Turkey and Saudi Arabia could set the world on fire and turn the New Cold War into a very hot conflict going forward.

U.S. plan to transfer 3,000 terrorists to Romania (Mojahedin Khalq, MKO, MEK, Rajavi cult)

21st Century Wire | Now the US are wanting to plant these criminals inside Europe. Why?

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