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VIDEO: Washington’s Unstoppable Superweapon and How to Defend Against It

The New Atlas | More than any military incursion, Washington’s preferred weapon of choice is its fleet of ‘democracy’ NGOs.

NED: ‘The National Endowment for Attacking Democracy’

Jeremy Kuzmarov  | So-called ‘democracy’ org is used by Washington to influence elections and regime change in countries all over the world.

Kazakhstan Invites Russian Forces in to Stabilize Country – CSTO Security Summit Set for Monday

21WIRE | Peacekeepers arrived in Almaty, the focal point of the unrest, to guard the airport and other key infrastructure.

Former Kazakhstan Intelligence Chief and ‘Close Friend’ of Bidens is Arrested for Treason

21WIRE | Both Joe and Hunter Biden emerge as a persons of interest in the Kazakhstan situation.

Regime Change Inc Names New CEO: Warmonger Damon Wilson from Atlantic Council

Brian Berletic | This latest appointment signals Washington’s return to destabilisation operations in Middle East and Asia.

‘Egyptian Spring’ Reboot: US Fueling Latest Wave of Protests

Tony Cartalucci | As we draw back the curtain, we quickly see some of the usual suspects pulling levers of ‘activism’.

Hong Kong Protests Fading: Foreign Tantrums, Not Genuine Revolution

Joseph Thomas | Having failed to attract wider public support, US-backed protesters have begun resort to vandalism and general thuggery.

Hong Kong’s Hooligans: Western Shock Troops

Andre Vltchek | Rioters say they’re ‘fighting for democracy,’ and yet are highly intolerant to those they disagree with.

REVEALED: US Behind Hong Kong Protests – Admits US Policymaker

Tony Cartalucci | In addition to this latest admission, deeper research shows NED recipients are actually leading the protests in China.

Destabilizing Pakistan: The Bookending of Washington’s Shady China Policy

Tony Cartalucci | American cries of ‘human rights violations’ are being used to sell two different US-backed conflicts – designed to impede China’s rise and that of its allies.

VENEZUELA: Guaido’s “Operation Freedom” aligned with CIA “Red Team” prototype – objective, regime change.

Whitney Webb | CIA “Red Team” prototype designed to effect regime change in Venezuela – midwived by USAID.

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