Mideastream | An update on key developments regarding events in Yemen, Iran and Iraq.
Middle East Report: Liberating Marib and Trouble for US, Israel in Erbil
US Troop Drawdown in Iraq: Strategic Shift, or Shrewd Election Move?
Mideast Stream | Is this an earnest rethink of US policy, or is it Trump merely fulfilling an old election pledge?
US to Evacuate Some Bases in Iraq Following Recent Rocket Attacks
21WIRE | Resistance to US occupation of Iraq has prompted Washington to reconsider its previously staunch military position.
U.S. Lied About ‘Intelligence’ Which Blamed Iraqi PMUs for Attack on US Base, Leading to War with Iran
21WIRE.TV | Bad ‘intel’ set off chain of events which almost led to a full-scale war between the US and Iran.
INTERVIEW: Sami Ramadani on the Renewed Rift Between Iraq and United States
21WIRE | Can Iraq successfully remove all foreign forces from its country?
New Reports of ‘Saudi and Israeli Airstrikes’ on Syria-Iraq Border Only Heighten Concerns of Wider War
21WIRE | Although no actual evidence has been produced by Saudi or US officials to support their theory, it seems the media are still nudging the idea forward of war forward.
U.S. Officials Confirm: Israel Have Attacked PMU Bases in Iraq
21WIRE | New reality: another strike by Israel could jeopardize further U.S. military presence in Iraq.
Trump Steals Credit from Syrian Army, Russia, Iraq, Iran for ‘Defeating ISIS’ in Syria
21WIRE | Trump once again ventures way out of his depth on geopolitics (which isn’t very deep).
Mission Accomplished Redux: Theresa May’s Claim of ‘Victory Over ISIS’ Doesn’t Square with Reality
Patrick Henningsen | No matter what Iraqis or Syrians achieve on the battlefield, there seems to be no end to the grandiose western-centric lectures about the never-ending War on Terror.