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INTERVIEW: Adam Garrie on the West’s Bizarre Anti-Russian Hysteria

Patrick Henningsen & Adam Garrie | Exploring the collective mental disorder currently afflicting many western media professionals and politicians.

Rappoport: ‘CNN Already Deflecting From the Susan Rice Scandal’

Jon Rappoport | Many hands had to be involved throughout the Obama administration to launch such a political spying program.

Episode #4 – DRIVE BY WIRE: ‘DC Rabbit Holes’ with Patrick & Shawn

21WIRE.TV | Patrick and Shawn talk about the big ‘Russian Investigation’ in Washington, the recent London Attack, and coming US escalation in Syria…

Fake News: The Unravelling of US Empire From Within

Prof. John McMurtry | ‘The Russians are coming’ is returning as the final recourse of smear by an empire on a steady decline.

Collapsing: Why the ‘Russia Hack’ Witch-Hunt Won’t End Well for Congress, or America

21WIRE + Antiwar.com | The entire ‘Russian Hack’ conspiracy theory is based on fraudulent information. Will the media report it as much as they did the fake ‘Russian Hack’ conspiracy theory?

Trump Was Right: Latest Arrests Prove Threats to Jewish Centers in US Were False Flags

21WIRE | Jewish alarmists are in retreat after attacking Trump for initially questioning the media’s ‘anti-Semitic hate crime’ narrative.

EP #18: Patrick Henningsen LIVE – John McAfee: ‘We Are Living in Orwell’s 1984 Now’

ACR Radio | Russia, Trump, our government’s cyber security, cyber warfare, and the state of American society in a post-Snowden environment…

French Presidential Candidate: ‘Fake News’ & ‘Russian Hack’ – The New Political Cry Wolf

21WIRE + The Duran | Emmanuel Macron, French Presidential candidate and establishment favorite borrows a failed move from Hillary Clinton’s campaign strategy. Cry ‘fake news’ & Russian interference’… The new ‘cry wolf?’

FAKE NEWS WEEK: The US Establishment’s Russian Scapegoat Veils the Real Enemy Within

Mark Hackard | While this contrived scandal will eventually flame out, the real-life Great Game continues unabated.

FAKE NEWS WEEK: Electronic Voting – The Big Lie That Just Won’t Die

Mark Anderson | Does anyone still think electronic voting machines are monumentally secure?

Trump’s First Government Agency Visit: CIA

21WIRE + RT | Trump to CIA on first visit to government agency: “The reason you’re my first stop is as you know I have a running war with the media- they are among the most dishonest beings on earth…”

SOFT COUP? Putin Warns of US Directed ‘Maidan-Style’ Methods Against Trump

21WIRE + ZeroHedge | Is there a ‘soft coup’ underway to undermine Donald Trump?

REDUX 1963? The Deep State vs Donald Trump

Patrick Henningsen | In so many ways, Trump might be viewed as a moral enemy of the Deep State that has been allowed to reign unhindered by any real oversight, and accountable only to itself.

Episode #169 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Going Rogue’ with guest William Blum, Vanessa Beeley, Basil Valentine

SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

REVEALED: The Establishment’s Scheme to Take Down Trump

21WIRE + Daniel Lazare | There is definitely a coup in the works, but what form it takes depends on how much sabotage Trump can withstand.

Patrick and Hesher: ‘DNI, CIA have lost the plot, and RT is beating CNN’

ACR Radio | This latest crisis of confidence in Washington DC is not going away just because James Clapper says the “Russians did it.”

Grizzly Miss-Steppe: How Washington Post Rewrote its Fake News Story on ‘Russian Hack’ of Vermont Power Grid

Kalev Leetaru | Jeff Bezos ‘Fake News’ outlet Washington Post lied, and then tried to cover it up.

Episode #168 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Hacking the World’ with Patrick Henningsen, guest Steven Sahiounie

SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

Robert Parry: US Intel Report on ‘Russian Hack’ Still Lacks Proof

Robert Parry | Despite mainstream media acceptance, the U.S. intelligence community’s assessment on alleged Russian “hacking” still lacks any hard evidence.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘The CIA Overthrew Hundreds of Governments Since WWII’

SUNDAY SCREENING | Washington’s “intelligence community” has been involved in interfering with hundreds of democratic elections worldwide since the end of World War II.

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