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James Mattis’s ‘Magic Military Money Tree’

Kelley Beaucar Vlahos | Defense bureaucrats continue to get rich off of Washington’s revolving door in the military-industrial complex.

Mattis Resigns After Trump Announces US Troops Pulling Out of Both Syria and Afghanistan

21WIRE | Mattis’s move is believed to be the first resignation of a Trump Cabinet official who openly left citing reasons of principle.

Trump-Russia Collusion: James Mattis Tells All – Without Any Evidence

Philip Giraldi | Beyond the usual anti-Russia hysteria in the media and Congress – there are major problems with Mattis’s claims.

SYRIA 180: US Regime Change Plan is Back (It Never Left)

21WIRE | Regime change may be back on the table, but in reality it never left with U.S. illegal and permanent occupation of Syria.

AFGHANISTAN: Trump Surges Into the Graveyard of Empires

21WIRE + Finian Cunningham | Trump’s announcement on Afghanistan reveals something about his administration. But whether he’s directing the agenda or not, Trump remains accountable.

Stoltenberg: NATO Shares Trump’s Desire for Dialogue with ‘Assertive Russia’

21WIRE + RT | Can the new Trump Administration reverse the previous Obama Doctrine of permanent war with Russia?

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue